Friday, October 14, 2022

From Rorate Caeili we have another edition of Vatican Council II with the False Premise. It has to be modernist. Obviously if the Premise is False the Inference and Conclusion has to be False.

 From Rorate Caeili we have another edition of  Vatican Council II with the False Premise. It had to be modernist. Obviously if the Premise is False the Inference and Conclusion has to be False.Note Rorate and Don Leone are intentionally not interpreting the Council with the Rational Premise. If they do use the Rational Premise, they will be politically incorrect with the Jewish Left ( ADL etc) and the Vatican-Left.

They need the break with Tradition.They need it for their media.

They want to reject Tradition and yet call themselves traditionalists only because they attend Mass in Latin.- Lionel Andrades

60 Years of Vatican II – ‘THE COUNCIL AND THE ECLIPSE OF GOD’ by Don Pietro Leone – CHAPTER 10: ‘The Causes of Council Teaching’ (part 2): B. THEOLOGY

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