Thursday, October 6, 2022

Latin Mass Society and website Rorate Caeili continue with the politically correct interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS

 The Latin Mass Society for political-Left reasons in Britain has rejected the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) with no known exceptions. Similar to the popes and the liberals they have accepted the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO).The LOHO interprets unknown cases of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance as being known exceptions for 16th century EENS. 

EENS in the 16th century or Patristic period would say that Queen Elizabeth is outside the Catholic Church and is oriented to the fires of Hell.

After 1949 the liberals in Britain began allowing Mass for non Catholics.Since it was assumed that outside the Catholic Church there is known salvation.

So the Vatican Council II was interpreted with the Irrational Premise suggesting that invisible cases of the baptism of desire etc were physically visible exceptions for the dogma EENS.

So the Lefebvrists interpret Vatican Council and EENS like the liberal popes. They are Cushingites and not Feeneyites. So they remain politically correct with the globalists and the New World Order.

On the other hand if they affirm the strict interpretation of EENS they could be penalised by the leftist government.

So there is the Latin Mass with this new ecclesiology which is a rupture with the ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass.

The priests who offer the Latin Mass today reject the dogma EENS, they reject the Athanasius Creed, change the interpretation of the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX and re-interpret Vatican Council II, irrationally.This is an impediment to offering Holy Mass.Since it is a mortal sin of faith. 

-Lionel Andrades

This Saturday: Requiem for Queen Elizabeth in London

A Traditional Latin Requiem Mass will be held in London this Saturday in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to mark a month since the death of the monarch.

The Sung Mass organized by the Latin Mass Society will be held at 11am at St Mary Moorfields church in the City of London. It will feature music by Tomas Luis da Victoria sung by the Southwell Consort directed by Gareth Wilson with the unusual accompaniment of Sackbutts and Cornetts.

Church location: 4-5 Eldon St, London EC2M 7LS; click for a map.

Nearest tube stations Moorgate and Liverpool Street.

Joseph Shaw, Chairman of the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales said

 “Under the law of the Church, we can offer for the repose of the soul of the late Queen, as a baptized Christian, not only private prayers but also public Requiem Masses. Although many have already been said for her, we are following the longstanding custom of celebrating one exactly a month after her death, and we will do so with the greatest possible solemnity.”

Lionel: Under the liberal law of the Catholic Church changed after the irrational 1949 Letter of the Holy Office was issued this has become possible. The liberal law also demands that the LMS only interpret Vatican Council II with the Irrational Premise to create a break with Tradition.This is folllowed by the traditionalists and sedevacatists in Britain. Their interpretation of the Council is Masonic and political.If they interpreted the Council with the Rational Premise they would be penalised by the leftist state in England and the Vatican.

In Rome a solemn funeral Mass was held for an Italian diplomat Luka who died in an African country and was married civily to a non Christian.It was a Novus Ordo Mass in Italian.

All are welcome to attend. For further information email:


Notes for Editors

The Latin Mass Society (England and Wales), founded in 1965, is an association of Catholic faithful dedicated to the traditional Latin liturgy of the Catholic Church, the teachings and practices integral to it, the musical tradition which serves it, and the Latin language in which it is celebrated.

Website :

Please note we have moved:-

9 Mallow Street LONDON EC1Y 8RQ

Registered Charity Number: 248388

Contact: Clare Bowskill, Publicist:

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