Sunday, October 16, 2022

Sacred Tradition is the guiding principle for all authentic Christian liturgy, which originates from Christ and is guided by the Holy Spirit throughout the life of the Church

From the blurb of Dr.K's new book:

The definitive answer to the question: What is the Roman Rite of Mass?


Ever since Paul VI imposed a new set of liturgical books, Roman Catholic faithful have suffered the effects of a hasty and far-reaching reform permeated with nominalism, voluntarism, Protestantism, rationalism, antiquarianism, hyperpapalism, and other modern errors. But man is not master over divine liturgy; rather, all of us are called to be stewards of it, from the lowest-ranking layman to the pope himself.  


In this new book — the fruit of decades of research, experience, reflection, and debate — noted apologist for traditional Catholicism Dr. Peter Kwasnieski argues that sacred Tradition is the guiding principle for all authentic Christian liturgy, which originates from Christ and is guided by the Holy Spirit throughout the life of the Church. The prominent identifying traits of the classical Roman Rite — indeed, of all traditional rites, Eastern and Western — are absent from the Novus Ordo, estranging it from their company and making it impossible to call it “the Roman rite.”

Lionel: Yes 'sacred Tradition is the guiding principle for all authentic Christian liturgy, which originates from Christ and is guided by the Holy Spirit throughout the life of the Church. '

No. 'The prominent identifying traits of the classical Roman Rite — indeed, of all traditional rites, Eastern and Western — are absent from the Novus Ordo, estranging it from their company and making it impossible to call it “the Roman rite.”'. If the Roman Missal is chosen at the Novus Ordo Mass then it is not ' a defective form'. The Novus Ordo Mass would have the same ecclesiology as the TLM of the Middle Ages.

Now Mass in Latin is offered in Rome with the traditional rubrics. It has the permission of Pope Francis. Priests and seminarians are there with their long black cassocks.But the Missal is post 1965! So the Council was interpreted with the Irrational Premise to create a hermeneutic of rupture with the missionaries and Magisteium of the 16th century. This is not the TLM. This is not Catholic.

How can popes, cardinals, bishops and priests interpret Vatican Council II with the Irrational Premise and be Magisterial ? How can the False Premise, Inference and Conclusion be the inspiration of the Holy Spirit ?

So yes- 'sacred Tradition is the guiding principle for all authentic Christian liturgy, which originates from Christ and is guided by the Holy Spirit throughout the life of the Church '- but it can include the Novus Ordo Mass when the ecclesiology is traditional.

The Novus Ordo Mass is 'the Roman Rite' when Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally with the Rational Premise.

All Catholics are obligated to accept Vatican Council II and affirm it in public and interpret it only rationally. This is ethical.



The response to this crisis of rupture? A full return to the Tridentine Rite, the Roman rite in its robust perennial richness — for which no special permission is or could ever be needed. Fidelity to the traditional Latin Liturgy is, at its root, fidelity to the Roman Church and to Christ Himself, Who has lovingly inspired the growth and perfection of our religious rites for two thousand years. This awe-inspiring gift of tradition allows us to taste, even now, the banquet of the promised land of heaven.

Lionel: Yes the Traditional Latin Rite is beautiful, it is meaningful, it is touching. I experienced it today morning at the SSPX chapel in Rome. The Mass is something else.It takes you out of the usual state of activity of the day. But this is also possible at the Novus Ordo Mass. I was aware of the grace of detachment. I do not have a wife or friend to distract me at Mass.I could remain focused. I also live alone and benefit from the silence and solitude.I understand St. Teresa of Avila in a special way. I have a special affection for that saint.All this counts when I am at Mass, in Latin or Italian.

Often I am aware of my inner awareness as being an important factor in coordinating with the Presence of Jesus in the Present Moment and in the movements of the priest at the altar. For all this- detachment is necessary. The detachment does not come for me from the Mass. It comes from within myself in a kind of contemplative-grace.So even when I attend the Filipino Mass I can connect, even though I do not understand the language.

Generally I attend two Masses on Sundays, Sometimes I miss out. This is because I need to attend Mass.I can attend Holy Mass-prepard because of my detached life style.At present I can. At some times in my life in the past, I could not.-Lionel Andrades


TAN Books • Hardcover • 6 x 9 • 472 pgs • ISBN: 978-1-5051-2662-4 • $32.95

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