Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre and Fr.Leonard Feeney was political. They had to accept the False Premise in the interpretation of Church Documents

From the Vortex, CMTV

Schism hands down

For example, at the heart of every schism you will find a heresy — disguised, of course, but a heresy nonetheless. The same was true in the case of Abp. Marcel Lefebvre.

John Salza:

I can name a dozen, but one that just comes to mind is Abp. Lefebvre, in a 1991 letter, which is found on the Society website to this day, is he held that jurisdiction comes from the people. That is a heresy that's been condemned by Pope Leo XIII. In fact, Abp. Lefebvre's own patron, St. Pius X, if you read his catechism — I think it's question 48 — the question is, "Does jurisdiction come from the people?" in St. Pius X's Catechism, and the answer is "No," and to say it does is a heresy. Well, Lefebvre held that because he knew he wasn't getting his jurisdiction from the pope, and therefore he said because the people have the need of my ministry, they as a result confer jurisdiction on me, and hence I can ordain priests and consecrate bishops.


Lionel: The popes and the CDF for political reasons had to interpret Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise to create a Fake Break with Tradition.So they could not grant jurisdiction to Archbishop Lefebvre who was rejecting this Fake Interpretation of Vatican Council II. 

The excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre and Fr.Leonard Feeney was political. They had to accept the False Premise in the interpretation of Church Documents.They refused to do this.-Lionel Andrades



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