Friday, October 14, 2022

This is modernism with alleged traditionalists rejecting Tradition to be politically correct with the Left. Mattei and Rorate Caeili are supporting the globalists in exchange for approval from the Left


From Rorate Caeili. Vatican Council II is interpreted with the Irrational Premise to create a calculated break with Tradition which is appreciated by the different liberal lobbies. So Rorate Caeli is not considered extremist by the Left.

60 Years of Vatican II – ‘THE COUNCIL AND THE ECLIPSE OF GOD’ by Don Pietro Leone – CHAPTER 10: ‘The Causes of Council Teaching’ (part 2): B. THEOLOGY

from Rorate Caeili

To identify their formal principle, we turn to the condemnation of Modernism by Bl. Pius IX in the Syllabus Errorum, examining the Syllabus in the light of the penetrating analysis by Father Denis Fahey, who understands the work as a refutation of the Modernist deification of man. We observe at the outset that the essential distinction between this pronouncement of the Magisterium and the Council is that former decries the deification of man, while the latter promotes it.

Lionel: The former, pre-1949  Magisterium decried the deification of man while the popes from Pius XII supported innovation and liberalism in the Church when they approved a false premise to reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office. When Pope Pius XII and the popes who followed him, chose the Irrational and not Rational Premise, they were not Magisterial.How  can the Holy Spirit contradict the past Magisterium and that too with an objective mistake?

Vatican Council II can be interpreted with the Rational Premise supporting the past exclusivist ecclesiology and then there is no development of doctrine. Religious liberty, ecumenism and inter religious dialogue are no more an issue. The Council does not support the deification of man.



The Syllabus opens with a condemnation of pantheism (being the doctrine which identifies God with the world) and then of naturalism and rationalism. Father Fahey explains: ‘As nature becomes conscious of itself in the human reason, human reason takes the place of God and becomes the exclusive arbiter of truth and falsehood, of good and evil.’

Lionel :This is not an issue in Vatican Council II when the Council supports the past ecclesiocentrism.

The exclusivist ecclesiology is the basis for the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics and the non separation of Church and State.It is important to be a Catholic to save one's soul from going to Hell.So it is important that the Government is also Catholic.

The secular interpretation of Vatican Council II is made obsolete with the Rational Premise.Dignitatis Humane is interpreted traditionally.




Syllabus Errorum


The Syllabus next treats the Modernist rejection of Scholasticism, viewed as ‘a hindrance to the conquests of deified man’, and then the Modernist espousal of Ecumenism and Indifferentism. Since Modernism holds that all Christian confessions and all religions are products of man’s reason, it concludes that one is as good as another; and that Protestantism, ‘which is a form of Christianity re-modelled and brought up to date by man’s efforts, is just as pleasing in God’s sight as the Catholic Church instituted by Himself.’

Lionel: Yes Scholasticism could only be rejected by assuming there was known salvation outside the Church.Exceptions were created for Tradition which over the centuries had no exceptions. Exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus were brought out with alleged visible cases of non Catholics, who are saved in the present times, without Catholic faith and the baptism of water.

With this irrational reasoning, practical exceptions were created for EENS, the ecumenism of return to the Catholic Church ( Syllabus of Errors) and outside the Church there is no salvation ( Syllabus of Errors).

This is how Roberto dei Mattei and Rorate Caeili interpret Vatican Council II. This is modernism.It is liberalism.It is a break with the ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass of the Middle Ages. I interpret the Council with the Rational Premise and so there are no known non Catholics saved outside the Church in the present times ( 2022).

Rorate Caeil which recently supported funeral Mass for non Catholics is politically correct with the liberals, like Pope Francis.They agree with me.

Even the CDF would admit that they are modernists with the use of the Irrational Premise,

Msttei and Rorate (F.G) are modernists who call themselves traditionalists, while rejecting Tradition.They support the one world religion-people, the globalists on Vatican Council II etc.Lionel Andrades.

OCTOBER 14, 2022

Roberto dei Mattei and Rorate Caeli do not interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise since then it would be a threat to their media.

OCTOBER 14, 2022

From Rorate Caeili we have another edition of Vatican Council II with the False Premise. It has to be modernist. Obviously if the Premise is False the Inference and Conclusion has to be False.


OCTOBER 13, 2022

All the Church Militant TV reports on Vatican Council II this week are leftist propaganda

 OCTOBER 11, 2022

Trent Horn's possibility known only to God(LG 15) cannot be a practical exception for the dogma EENS according to Brother Peter Dimond of the Most Holy Family Monastery,NY

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