Tuesday, October 25, 2022

We can end the liberalism in the Church by choosing the Rational Premise

 Yet, looking back, for me and for those few of my generation who retained the Faith, I feel as if we were travelers, returning home after a long journey, to find the ruins of a once-great civilization—unable to understand why, exactly, our forefathers had torn down and abandoned its great halls and magnificent temples.


Lionel: We now know how to create unity with our forefathers in the Catholic Church. After 60 years we know precisely what to do to end the liberalism in the Church. We do not have to make the mistake of the popes and the traditionalists. Sixty years has been a long time to discover the secret.

We immediately end the division between the traditionalists and liberals when we identify the cause of the division. There is then the hermeneutic of continuity and it is permanent. We go back to the faith of our forefathers.

It is simple for me.I always interpret what is invisible in Vatican Council II as being invisible.So then there are no practical exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). Invisible cases of LG 8,14,15 and 16 cannot be  visible exceptions for the traditional teaching on all needing faith and baptism for salvation.There can be no known exceptions.Since people in Heaven are known only to God.

So the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church is intact for me, with Vatican Council II. There can only be an ecumenism of return with Feeneyite EENS since the Council does not mention any practical exceptions for the Athanasius Creed.This Creed says all need the Catholic faith for salvation.All. So with Vatican Council II I have returned to the faith of the past centuries on an ecumenism of return, religious liberty as at the time of the papal states,inter religious dialogue which is missionary, traditional mission based upon exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church and the traditional proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics, since outside the Church there is no known salvation.

This is interpreting Council II rationally and ethically though in a politically incorrect way. So I do not expect Peter Kwasniewski and Rorate Caeili to want to follow me.If they were interested they would have done so a long time back.

It is in their interest to interpret LG 8,14,15 and 16 as being visible and not invisible people in 2022. Then like the pope and the liberals they have to pretend that these visible cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church, who are,alllegedly personally known, are objective exceptions for EENS.So the Athanasius Creed becomes obsolete for the traditionalists and the liberals.They cannot choose to use the Rational Premise i.e invisible cases of LG 8 etc are invisible. Otherwise they would be Feeneyite which is politically not accepted.

So they maintain the traditionalist-liberal division and pretend that the Novus Order Mass has brought division in the Church or they will vaguely blame Vatican Council II and not say that the real fault lies with them not choosing the Rational Premise like me.

The liberalism of the popes, traditionalists and sedevacantists comes only with the False Premise.We can create unity in the Church without liberalism. We now know how to do it.Anyone can do it even with no degree in theology.

Of course politically the Lefebvrists too need the liberalism as does Bishop Robert Barron, George Weigel and Massimo Faggioli.

Unity in the Church could be expensive for them.-Lionel Andrades

“Lofty concepts and great hopes cannot be separated, in practical judgment, from their effects” — Guest article on the Birthday of Vatican II


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