Tuesday, October 18, 2022

When Pope Francis and Pope Benedict interpret Vatican Council II with LG 8 etc being only hypothetical and speculative cases in 2022 they become traditionalists


   This 1  is another subjective interpretation of Vatican Council II which is irrelevant since when the Council is interpreted with the Rational Premise it is ecclesiocentric and orthodox. There is a radical change.

I interpret the Council with the Rational Premise so LG 8,14,15 and 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II refer to hypothetical and invisible cases in 2022.This is the big difference between me and Rorate Caeili, Roberto dei Mattei and Peter Kwasniewski. For them LG 8 etc. contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Athanasius Creed and the rest of Tradition. 

So they imply that LG 8 etc. are objective cases in the present times. They are known non Catholics saved outside the Church without Catholic faith and the baptism of water. So the Syllabus of Errors has become obsolete with Vatican Council II, with visible cases of LG 8 etc.


They would have to be visible cases for them to be practical exceptions for Feeneyite EENS. Invisible people, who are not there on earth, cannot be known examples of salvation outside the Church this year.

So the correspondents of the website Rorate Caeili, like the popes from Paul VI to Francis, interpret LG 8 etc. as being physically visible examples of salvation outside the Church while for me they are only hypothetical cases. This is common knowledge. So there 

are numerous people who agree with me. I have quoted some of the prominent ones on my blog. They say that there are no cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance etc. in our reality.


So Rorate Caeili and Don Pietro Leone are producing this obsolete series on Vatican Council II. It is now irrelevant.Vatican Council II is traditional. This is the rational and ethical option.It is the only option for Pope Francis and Pope Benedict.

When they interpret Vatican Council II with LG 8 etc being only hypothetical and speculative cases in 2022 they become traditionalists. -Lionel Andrades


60 years of Vatican II - 'THE COUNCIL AND THE ECLIPSE OF GOD' by Don Pietro Leone - CHAPTER 10 - part 4 - 'THE CAUSES OF COUNCIL TEACHING: D. Psychology


Conclusion to Section I


We have investigated the source of the false principle of antirealist subjectivism in Modern Philosophy; in Modern Theology; in that religion which we have termed Gnosis; and finally in its ontological foundation in the psychology of Fallen Nature.


Reflection on this false principle shows us that the philosophy, theology, the religion and the ethics that they inform - first Gnosis and then all the other false religions that it was to engender - are in fact all impostures.


* For a philosophy to be antirealist, for it to doubt or to deny Being, means that it is not a philosophy at all, but an anti-philosophy;

-          * For a theology to be antirealist, for it to doubt or to deny God, means that it is not a theology at all, but an anti-theology;

-          * For a religion to be antirealist, for it to repudiate God, means that it is not a religion at all, but an anti-religion; for it to advocate egoism as its ethics means that it is does not comprise a system of morality but a system of anti-morality.


A philosopher that can tell us nothing about reality, a theologian that can tell us nothing about God, is like a geographer that can tell us nothing about the world or a chemist that can tell us nothing about chemicals; the proponent of a religion that can tell us nothing about God, about how to relate to Him, and how to live, is like a doctor that can tell us nothing about illness or health.


But these systems of thought and action are not only impostures but also mortiferous, since a philosophy and a morality that are not about reality, a theology and a religion that are not about God can offer us no guidance about how to live, but only darkness or false light that will make us lose the way or lead us astray. The proponents of such systems are like undertakers disguised as doctors working at the service not of life but of death [6].



OCTOBER 15, 2022

Rorate Caeili supports gnosis with their expedient interpretation of Vatican Council II irrationally


OCTOBER 14, 2022

This is modernism with alleged traditionalists rejecting Tradition to be politically correct with the Left. Mattei and Rorate Caeili are supporting the globalists in exchange for approval from the Left

OCTOBER 14, 2022

From Rorate Caeili we have another edition of Vatican Council II with the False Premise. It has to be modernist. Obviously if the Premise is False the Inference and Conclusion has to be False.


OCTOBER 14, 2022

Roberto dei Mattei and Rorate Caeli do not interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise since then it would be a threat to their media


OCTOBER 9, 2022

After reading this article on Rorate Caeili know that the Council is today being interpreted as a continuity with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors. This is possible without using the Irrational Premise of Don Pietro Leone and Rorate Caeili.


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