Saturday, November 19, 2022

MEET JAMES - A soul damned to Hell.

The realities of Hell and our inability or unwillingness to conceptualize it come to the forefront in this episode of The One True Faith. Using a fictional "average Joe" character to help illustrate the concepts, in this episode, host Michael Voris paints a vivid and horrific picture of the afterlife.

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      We would well remember the children of Fatima's, "forever and forever."
      November, the month of souls is a very good time to "Memento mori", remember you will die.
      Busyness and noise, never allows for silence and without silence there is no time for Memento mori.
      In Robert Cardinal Sarah's book, "The Power of Silence", he writes," In silence, man can tell how limited earthly time is..."
      Incredible to me it seems, "the noisier one's soul the more likely that soul has not one clue that "it" has an "expiration date". Ah yes, a human has a "shelf life" as it were...but humans don't want to hear the reality of death. Humans race on and defy the Creator because the creature will simply defy his Creator and death and live here on earth forever.
      With little silence in one's day, it is increasingly difficult to escape the endless noise that deafens us to our own mortality.
      Remember man that thou art dust and to dust thou shalt return... and silent as the grave our ultimate end on this side of the veil... but a soul lost is lost forever and forever and forever.

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          Thank you MV, inspiring, enlightening and a jarring reality in this "Matrix".

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              O my God, relying on 1-Your almighty power 2-Your infinite mercy 3- and promises, I hope to obtain 1-pardon of my sins, 2- the help of Your grace and 3-life everlasting through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeener. Amen.

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