Thursday, November 3, 2022

The liberalism and division at the Synods comes with Cushingite-confusion. Vatican Council II(Cushingite) is the Church breaking with the past.So the Cushingites ask : why cannot there be polygamy and the divorced receive the Eucharist?

 The liberalism and division seen at the Synods comes with the confusion of Cushingism. Cushingite Vatican Council II is put forward as the Church breaking with the past.

So it is asked why cannot the divorced receive the Eucharist?

The model is Vatican Council II Cushingite.

Now even polygamy could be approved , because Vatican Council II is a break with extra ecclesiam nulla salus, interpreted with the baptism of desire being physically visible ?

Who knows of a visible baptism of desire case in 2022 ? Who can see people in Heaven or on earth saved with the baptism of desire ?

When Vatican Council II is a break with Tradition and this is accepted by even the traditionalists, then it is asked why cannot there be liberalism in faith and morals? The liberalism is division in the Church it is conceded but then they say that they are only following Vatican Council II which has brought division.

They of course mean the Council interpreted with physically invisible people being physically visible examples of salvation outside the Church.Since they are examples of salvation without faith and the baptism of water they are said to be practical exceptions for extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). But the missionaries of the 16th century, did not project any exceptions for EENS. It was common sense that the baptism of desire was always physically invisible.I interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism.

What is invisible is only invisible for me. There is no development of doctrine with Vatican Council II for me. With Vatican Council II Feeneyite, I return to the old theology and the exclusivist ecclesiology.

The baptism of desire refers to a physically invisible case for me. This is common sense. So it does not contradict 16th century EENS.

No liberalism is there with LG 8,14 and 16. Division with liberalism is no more there in the Church for me.

UR 3 is invisible.It does not contradict an ecumenism of return for me. LG 16 being invisible does not contradict Feeneyite EENs for me. So inter-religious dialogue is missionary for me. I return to traditional mission based upon exclusive salvation in the Church. I am supported by Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).

The liberalism of the Synods is obsolete for me. Since I do not interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism , as they do. Since Vatican Council II is Feeneyite for me, we are back to the old ecclesiology.So religious liberty, collegiality, ecumenism and inter religious dialogue are no more an issue. The Council is traditional.-Lionel Andrades

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