Saturday, December 24, 2022

A Happy and Holy Christmas and New Year-2023


A Happy and Holy Christmas and New Year-2023 to all who persisted with this blog.

The important point this year, which was not contested, was that Pope Francis and Pope Benedict, like the popes from Paul VI, were not Magisterial on Vatican Council II, since they used an Irrational and not Rational Premise to interpret the Council badly; as a break with Tradition. This could not be the teaching of the Holy Spirit.

Also this year, I was able to respond to comments on Twitter and post video clips, showing charts posted on a wall, explaining what I have been writing on this blog for over 10 years.

There is the issue of Traditionis Custode which is of concern. Since Pope Francis and Cardinal Roche only permit the Latin Mass for the FSSP and those who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally.They do not want the people to interpret the Council rationally and accept Vatican Council II in harmony with the past Magisterium.

This year, I was able to come up front,’ face to face’ so to speak, on Twitter, with so many conservative modernists. They had banned me on their blogs and websites all these years, to be politically correct with the Left and the Vatican. They are still ready to reject Tradition as long as there is a threat to their life style and source of income.

But, the old song goes on.

Thanks for putting up with the problem for so long.

In Christ


p.s If you are an Only the Catholic Church fan, offer a Holy Mass for me. I do not accept donations.

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