Friday, December 30, 2022

Georgia Melloni must move Parliament : Popes, cardinals, bishops and priests must be free to interpret Vatican Council II rationally in Italy


Cardinal Ladaria, Cupich, Roche and Burke before offering Holy Mas must interpret Vatican Council II rationally and avoid the mistake of the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office (CDF).Though it is possible that if the cardinals interpreted Vatican Council II rationally (and so would be affirming Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus) they could be excommunicated suspended or laicized. This is the fear priest-professors at the pontifical universities live it. They have received threats from the Rome Vicariate who are supported by the Jewish Left in Rome.

Cardinal Roche offers Mass at the University of St.Anselm chapel, Rome, where he interprets Vatican Council II with a Fake Premise creating new versions of the Council.I use the Rational Premise. So the Creeds have not changed for me.

Cardinal Ladaria offers Mass with the Jesuits and they all interpret the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance, with the Irrational Premise. So ‘objective exceptions’ are produced for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So even the Athanasius Creed and Syllabus of Errors have ‘objective exceptions’ for him and Pope Benedict.

Even when conservative cardinals like Raymond Leo Burke choose the False Premise the result is heresy and schism with the pre-1949 Magisterium.

This is a simple and politically correct way to break with Tradition. They only have to use the False Premise. So there are two issues here 1) theological/ philosophical and 2) political threats of excommunication.

1.Philosophy/Theology.Any priest, bishop or cardinal who interprets the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance, rationally is threathened with excommunication, laicization , suspension etc by the Rome Vicariate and the Vatican.This is approved by the Joint Vatican-Israel Consortium. Pope Pius XII seemed to understand this.


The Lega and Fratelli Italia political parties could put forward a motion in the Parliament calling for the non political  interpretation of Vatican Council II and the freedom for popes, cardinals, bishops and priests, to affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Also Catholic professors and priests who teach at the pontifical universities in Rome, must not be threatened and subdued by Leftist laws, like Anti-Semitism, which were approved by Silvio Berlusconi, Gianfranco Fini, the ADL and the Masons.

Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 28, 2022

The Lega and Fratelli Italia political parties must put forward a motion in the Italian Parliament calling for the non political interpretation of Vatican Council II

DECEMBER 27, 2022

It is obligatory for Lorenzo Fontana, Georgia Melloni and Matteo Salvini to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so ethically

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