Thursday, December 15, 2022

Liberalism comes with the Irrational Premise. With the Rational Premise there is no development of doctrine, no progressivism, no liberalism, and no leftist theology.We must not mistake the liberal conclusion of Vatican Councl II as being the cause of the liberalism


Catholics accuse Pope Francis of heresy but the pope justifies innovation in faith and morals with Vatican Council II. He only refers to Vatican Council II (Irrational).When he refers to Vatican Council II irrational the cardinals and bishops cannot object. Since they make the same mistake.

Personally, I think, he knows about Vatican Council II (rational).The National Catechetical Center, Italy also knows about it. They have informed the pope.

But Pope Francis wants the Church to continue to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally. In this way there is a rupture ( a false one) with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors, the Catechism of Pope Pius X, the traditional interpretations of the Creed, the First Commandment etc.

Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II just like the sedevacantists (Lefebvrists).They do not choose the Rational Premise. So we have traditionalists and liberals rejecting Tradition. This is heresy. For the Lefebvrists this is their conservative modernism.

The trads are modernists too. The same as the present two popes.With the knowledge of the Rational Premise, we know that the Lefebvrists are modernists too, like the popes from Paul VI.

Liberalism does not come with the liberal conclusion of Vatican Council II. Obviously if the premise is wrong the conclusion will have to be wrong.

Liberalism comes with the Irrational Premise. With the Rational Premise there is no development of doctrine, no progressivism, no liberalism, and no leftist theology.We must not mistake the liberal conclusion of Vatican Councl II as being the cause of the liberalism.-Lionel Andrades

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