We have found the Missing Link. This is a breakthrough.


We can affirm Tradition without having to be a sedevacantist. We can accept Vatican Council II without having to be a liberal. We can be a Feeneyite without rejecting the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance. The clue is the rational premise.There is a discovery on Vatican Council II. There is a breakthrough. The Council is no more a break with Tradition when it is interpreted with a rational premise and inference which produces a non traditional conclusion. Just change the premise. The Council changes.

Since 1965 there have been so many confused books have been written when all we have to do is interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc  as being physically invisible and not visible cases in 1965-2022. Now they are misinterpreted.

We have found the Missing Link. We now know what created the hermeneutic of continuit with Tradition. We can go back to the Tradition with Vatican Council II ( Rational). It is like a switch. It is simple. We can switch our return to Tradition - on or off. The key is the premise.

The sedevacantists have only to interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise and the Council has the hermeneutic of continuity with Feeneyite EENS, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors. We have found the Missing Link. This is a breakthrough.

Without the False Premise of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949  all Catholics can go back to the pre-1949 Church. There is no rupture in theologywith the exclusivist theology of the Roman Missal. There is no development of doctrine. NO new Ecumenism.

The moral theology being taught at the pontifical univeristies is obsolete. Since it is based upon the False Premise. With the Rational Premise we return to the past ecclesiology and faith and morals and mission. We can proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics.-Lionel Andrades

When Pope Francis justifies innovation in faith and morals in the name of Vatican Council II ( Irrational) none of the cardinals or bishops tell the pope to interpret the Council rationally with the Rational Premise and there can be no development of doctrine or heresy and schism.


A Vatican II (Irrational)Moment: The Sea Float Mass


A Vatican II (Irrational) Moment - True Liturgical Movement: Pontifical Bike Mass in Palermo, Italy


There is a Vatican Council II (Rational) and Vatican Council II (Irrational). With Vatican Council II (Rational) the Lefebvrists would have to affirm Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus and be persecuted. 

Now with Vatican Council II (Irrational) they have the same New Theology as the liberals and the Left. They attend the Latin Mass with the New Ecclesiology, New Ecumenism etc. They promote it at the Latin Mass in Rome. Otherwise the Rome Vicariate would not give them permission to offer Holy Mass in Latin. 

When Pope Francis justifies innovation in faith and morals in the name of Vatican Council II ( Irrational) none of the cardinals or bishops tell the pope to interpret the Council rationally with the Rational Premise and there can be no development of doctrine or heresy and schism. -Lionel Andrades