Thursday, October 13, 2022

There is no denial from the Office of the Synods. They are also interpreting Vatican Council II with the Irrational and not Rational Premise. The laity is being taught to do the same.


The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican is supporting a political interpretation of Vatican Council II created with an Irrational Premise, Inference and Non Traditional Conclusion.

They are not telling Catholics to interpret Vatican Council II with a Rational Premise, Inference and Traditional Conclusion.

So with the False Premise they reject the Athanasius Creed and change the understanding of the Nicene Creed. The First Commandment for Catholics is compromised.

There is no denial from the Office of the Synods. They are also interpreting Vatican Council II with the Irrational and not Rational Premise. The laity is being taught to do the same. -Lionel Andrades

Of Bishops, the Vatican, Seers, And Schism

 from Spirit Daily

Of Bishops, the Vatican, Seers, And Schism

From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translation; views expressed not necessarily SD’s]:

The change of the moral doctrine of the Catholic Church would come through synods and that would generate the schism.

In the last 2 or 3 years, synods have exploded in the Church, gatherings that assume laity and bishops will decide on the doctrine and pastoral care of the Church, assuming anything in those regards can be changed.

It is supported directly by the Synodal Way of the German Church.

And is supported indirectly by the Synod of Synodality of the entire Church, having appointed a general rapporteur, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, who is known for campaigning to change the traditional sexual morality doctrine of the Church, which comes from the Bible.

But this movement advocating a doctrinal change is not exclusive to the Church of Germany, Europe, or in the Vatican leadership, but it acts, to different degrees, throughout the Body of Christ.

And what does Heaven have to say about this? Because it should have communicated its position, as it has throughout the history of the Church.

Here we will talk about what Heaven is telling the seers about this movement of changes in the Church and what in the future it warns about.

The Synodal Way of the German Church, which proposes a change in the moral doctrine of the Church, to adopt the morals of our time, had a session that ended on September 10, 2022.

Numerous delegates referred to the large number of people leaving the Church in Germany and said the exodus could only be stopped with decisive reforms in the Church’s doctrine.

Others also spoke about sexual abuse by priests and argued that the Church owed the victims a change in its structure and doctrine so that it could no longer occur.

So the solution to the most important problems of the Church is deposited, for the German Church, in the abandonment of the doctrine that Jesus Christ proclaimed to the apostles and in joining in preaching the spirit of the times.

They forget, do many German bishops, the tragic results of the application of what they called the Spirit of the Second Vatican Council.

The letter of the Council documents did not explicitly authorize the interpretation made by the modernists, who proposed a break with the tradition that came from the apostles who lived with Jesus.

And yet they carried out a revolutionary spirit that radically changed the Church, with the help of the media.

There was a stampede of religious men and women and priests who hung up their habits, a sharp drop in vocations to religious and priestly life, and the depletion of Mass attendance — from the universal Church has not been able yet, to any degree, to recover.

However, Vatican positions are very conservative if we compare them with what the German Church is organizing (or trying to).

In its September 2022 session, the German Synodal Way approved changes in doctrine regarding “trans” people in the Church, sexual morality, and non-heterosexual priests.

The documents propose the acceptance that non-heterosexual people are part of the priestly structure, and the reform of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which says that their acts are intrinsically disordered, numerals 2357 to 2359.

It also adopted a text on the role of women in the Church, n addition to the proclamation of the Gospel by laity (and within them by women), which may eventually mean their access to the priesthood.

And finally, the Germans approved creation of a permanent Synodal Council that would supervise the Church in Germany, which means that from now on the assemblies between laity and priests will decide what is good and bad for Catholic doctrine and pastoral care.

Some may say that this is not so problematic because it is confined to the German Church.

But it is not like that; it is a world movement that is exploding in different places as it gains strength. [scroll for more] 

In that session of the German Synod, the blessing of same-sex couples was also approved.

And at that very moment, the Flemish-Belgian bishops — that is to say, Dutch-speaking — approved the blessing and even approved a model of celebration of the Word and prayer, to embody the blessing of same-sex couples.    

The Church has always been able to bless non-heterosexual couples, but it is another thing to bless a union, which supposes that it implies a disorderly act.

Because neither can the Church bless couples who live in concubinage.

Allowing the blessing of couples outside of marriage carries the great risk of undermining the blessings and undermining the Church’s teaching on the morality and sanctity of marriage.

And in the case of non-heterosexual couples, it also implies undermining the sexual ethic of the Church.

These movements of the Church of Germany and the Flemish Belgian bishops have been criticized by many bishops and by Episcopal Conferences of different countries, which have appealed to the Pope to disavow these movements and rebuke them [which in many cases he has].

But nevertheless, on the Facebook site of the Synod of Synodality of the Church, that is, of the process that the Vatican is carrying out and that will end in October 2023, promotional images were published on September 24, 2022, showing a woman dressed as a priest and a young man who promotes homosexual pride.

In other words, the proposals of the Church of Germany and the Flemish-speaking Church of Belgium are being promoted by the General Synod of the Church, although it is clear that there has been no decision in this regard.

And does Heaven have anything to say about this? Are there messages given to seers about it?

There are direct and indirect ones, and since they have been given to several well-regarded seers, they must be taken as a single message.

Because in reality Our Lady and Jesus Christ have come to bring to earth a single message, which they communicate to different people so that they can then spread it.

All these seers are not condemned by the Church; their respective bishops have appointed them priests to guide them; and we have made a presentation video about each one of them.

On April 25, 2022, the Child Jesus [allegedly] told Manuela Stark, a German seer, “Darkness will fall on the church, I must allow a great trial to come your way this year.”

But already on October 4 the Child Jesus had told her, “Dear friends, I must admit that it is precisely consecrated people who are wrong in Germany. They are building a new Tower of Babel. But I am the Lord.” And He added, “The Holy Scriptures are the word of the Eternal Father, His Commandments are My Commandments, stay with them. 

“Satan tries to deceive souls, you are in the time of tribulation.

“Blessed is he who clings to My Word! Examine everything you hear and read, because it is precisely at this time that Satan is tempting souls.”

On May 24, 2021, He had been more explicit when He reportedly said, according to this visionary, “The test that I announced to you is the synod to come. Prayer, sacrifice, reparation!”

And Manuela would comment,

“The Lord showed me that His Church is being stripped of its foundations by its enemies. However, it will be rebuilt again by people who believe in Him.”

Also on June 26, 2022, Our Lady of Zaro of Italy, one of whose seers today is a priest and accompanies the seers in activity, showed a seer named Angela the church of San Pietro in Rome engulfed in great black smoke and then a succession of images of many closed churches. 

And He said, “The Church will have to face difficult times, there will be a great split.”

At that moment it was as if the entire colonnade surrounding St. Peter’s Church had been shaken by a great earthquake. [scroll for more]

On May 14, 2022, Our Lady Queen of Peace said to alleged Christina Gallagher of Ireland, “My Son will be deprived of His place in His Church, He will be driven away. The antichrist is already influencing what must be done and preparing to take Peter’s seat. Among the insiders, the corruption is indescribable.” [For our careful discernment]

Between January and February 2022, Our Lady gave various messages to another reputed seer, Pedro Regis in Brazil, telling him, “You are marching into a future of great spiritual destruction and few will stand firm in the faith.”

And she purportedly added, “Many will be dragged into the quagmire of false doctrine because they have strayed from the love of the truth. A great confusion will spread everywhere, but those who are faithful to Jesus will be victorious ”

And she also told him, “Disregard for the truth will cause great spiritual blindness in many consecrated people. Divine laws will be despised and spiritual darkness will be present everywhere. What is false will be accepted and My poor priest sons will walk like blind men leading other blind men.”

Well up to here what we wanted to talk about the different faces that the movement is showing to change the doctrine of the Church and what are the opinions that the Lord and the Virgin have expressed in this regard.

And I would like to ask you if you think that this change in the doctrine that they propose is going to be carried out or the Church is going to be able to stop it before it spreads throughout all the countries…

[Michael Brown online retreat, October 29: an update on society, the Church,  spiritual conflict, the angelic battles in the unseen realms]

All the Church Militant TV reports on Vatican Council II this week are leftist propaganda.


All the Church Militant TV reports on Vatican Council II this week are leftist propaganda. They are telling us what we already know.The reports do not say that CMTV can interpret LG 8,14,15 and 16, UR 3,NA 2,GS 22 etc as referring to only hypothetical and theoretical cases in 2022. So they do not refer to objective exceptions for 16 century extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which had no exceptions.

It is the same with LifeSites News,Rorate Caeili, and the liberal media.They tell us that the Council is a break with Tradition.They do not say that the Council is a continuity with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX and Feeneyite EENS. This they will not say.The CMTV policy is the same as the SSPX.

For me LG 8,14,15,16,UR 3,NA 2,GS 22 etc refer to hypothetical cases.If there was anyone saved outside the Church, practically, it would only be known to God. We cannot meet or see someone saved with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance or the baptism of blood- with or without the baptism of water.So for me,there is nothing in the Council-text to contradict the past ecclesiocentrism.The Council is traditional. It affirms the old theology and exclusivist ecclesiology.So religious liberty, ecumenism and inter religious dialogue are not an issue for me.The Council is Feeneyite like the Jesuit missionaries in the Middle Ages.

So I am not pushing the Leftist line with the False Premise, Inference and Non Traditional Conclusion like CMTV.

CMTV like Rorate Caeili, LifeSiteNews, Reuters and Associated Press follow the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,Vatican.They are obligated to interpret the Council irrationally and unethically and teach it to Catholics, for the approval of the Left.

Even the cardinals and bishops are in line on this issue.

The CMTV affirm heresy( Athanasius Creed rejected with exceptions) and schism(EENS of the past Magisterium is contradicted) and conveniently call it Magisterial, as if the Holy Spirit now teaches an objective error which contradicts the pre-1949 Magisterium.Michael Voris and Christine Niles are liberals,on this issue, who change the Nicene Creed and re-interpret the First Commandment , by using the Fake Premise.They approve this at First Communion classes and Adult Catechesis in Detroit.They proclaim this to non Christians.

This week we will get the same propaganda on Vatican Council II which will sit well with the Archbishop of Detroit. All this is fine for the establishment. Robert Fastiggi will approve it at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit and call it Magisterial- when it really is official schism and dissent. As long as CMTV does not interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise, Inference and Conclusion there will be no objection from the Jewish Left( ADL etc).Archbishop Vigneron and the USCCB clap.

To affirm their liberal credentials CMTV posted a report by Jim Russell which projected invisible cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance( 1949 Letter of the Holy Office) as being visible exceptions for Feeneyite EENS.

This is all false.

Catholics must not interpret Vatican Council II like CMTV. It is a mortal sin of faith.That Pope Francis supports it- does not make it correct.- Lionel Andrades