Sunday, January 1, 2023

Bishop Heiner Wilmer scj, bishop of Hildeshieim, Germany is not eligible to be the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican until he affirms Vatican Council II in public. Catholics now know that they can interpret the Council rationally. So they are not obliged to interpret the Council like Pope Francis and the German bishops.


Bishop Heiner Wilmer scj, bishop of Hildeshieim, Germany is not eligible to be the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican until he affirms Vatican Council II in public. Catholics now know that they can interpret the Council rationally. So they are not obliged to interpret the Council like Pope Francis and the German bishops.

The pope too is not free to interpret the Council irrationally to please a particular lobby. The Church and the leftist state must be separate.

When the whole Church can interpret Vatican Council II rationally and traditionally, Wilmer will be ‘sectarian’ when he rejects the Magisterial interpretation, which comes with the Rational Premise.

The German Federal Education Ministry must inform Catholic schools and colleges, to stop using a Fake Premise to interpret Vatican Council II etc. Students must be taught the truth in schools.

The German Federal Ministry for Research and Education must stop scholarships to study at Alberto Melloni’s Bologna School (FSCIRE) in Italy. 

It is sectarian and unethical on Vatican Council II.

Also German theological magazines must stop interpreting Vatican Council II with a Fake Premise to produce liberal theology.

The Council is exclusivist. This precludes non Catholics and non-Christians from participating in the liturgy. They are not part of the community of believers. They need to convert into the Catholic Church and then participate at Holy Mass. - Lionel Andrades

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