Saturday, January 28, 2023

Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and the whole Church follows him


Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and the whole Church follows him and suggests that there is known salvation outside the Catholic , personally known cases of Catholics saved outside the Church without faith and baptism. Then it is said that these cases are objective exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Athanasius Creed. So it is said that the Syllabus of Errors is obsolete. People do not have to convert into the Church. Vatican Council II (irrational) is ‘a new revelation’, a ‘revolution’ in the Church. Since Vatican Council II (irrational) is a break with Tradition, it is asked, why cannot the divorced and remarried receive the Eucharist ? Why cannot  divorce be approved in six months and homosexual acts not be a mortal sin ? 

Now the Synod is recommending polygamy. Sister Nathalie Bequart, Consultant, to the Vatican for the Synod,  said this innovation is based upon the new ecclesiology which comes from Vatican Council II (irrational).

This is all irrational.Since we cannot physically see or meet someone saved outside the Church in 2023. If there are any such cases it could be known to God. Invisible people cannot be objective exceptions for the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation. Practically every one needs the baptism of water and we do not know any one who will be saved with the baptism of desire. All need the baptism of water and Catholic faith for salvation and we cannot say that any particular person will be saved outside the Church in invincible ignorance.

The 1949 Letter of the Holy Office made an objective mistake and it was not corrected by Pope Pius XII.

When it is said that Vatican Council II is a break with Tradition- remember, they were always referring to extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Catechisms of Trent and Pius X, the Athanasius Creed etc. They were saying that there no more is the traditional ecclescentrism in the Church, there is no more an exclusivist ecclesiology because of the 'exceptions'. - Lionel Andrades

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