Sunday, January 8, 2023

Rome, was once, the city of saints and martyrs. The Eternal City is going back in that direction.


In Rome Catholics once again have an easy way to be a martyr. Catholics beliefs are threatened in the local churches by non Catholics, while the white Italian Catholic, working for the police and carabinieri has been replaced by non white personell.

The carabinieri and police offices near St. Mary Major and Via Veneto, have officers whose families are from abroad. At both offices they are not part of the Catholic culture. In central Rome even the buildings and the tenants are non Christians. Vatican owned buildings have been sold.

Non Christian mafia seem to control who owns a shop in Rome. Now they also object to what a priest says in the Church. Catholic teachings are being opposed.

Last Sunday an elderly man did the First Reading in the church San Ildefono and Tommasso Villanova, Via Sistina, Rome. This is the Augustinian Recollect church. He is a Muslim who created a scene a few years back on Christmas evening at the church Santa Maria did Nazareth, Casalotti, Boccea, Rome. The carabiniere was called and he was taken away. I then did not see him for about three months. This man is among many others, who come into churches and tell Catholics what religious beliefs of theirs are unacceptable.

Also the Second Reading at Mass in Italian was done by a man, whose family is not Christian. He is known to oppose Catholic faith teachings, at the basilica of San Andrea della Fratte, Rome. He is associated with the police. So many examples and incidents can be mentioned.

There are faith-teachings which could be controversial for Catholics. We can affirm them for Jesus and the Church. They are missionary teachings. Many Catholics have been martyred abroad for proclaiming them. They are:-.

1.          Jesus is the only Savior of the world. Jesus died and is Risen to save all people. Those who believe and are baptized will go to Heaven.

2.        Outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation/ Outside the Church there is no salvation. All need faith and baptism for salvation (to avoid Hell). This is the teaching of Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) and the Catechisms, including the Catechism of the Catholic Church (845, 846, and 1257).

Non Christians object to these Catholic teachings in Rome.

In different areas of Rome there are mafias. These are social militants who control who come into their territory and what they should believe.They are organised groups and they network.

So for a Catholic who publically affirms the above two points some places in the city centers, could be ‘no go ‘ areas.

Near the Centocelli area in Rome parts of the parish community center was burnt many times. Now the Vicariate has opened it for all. Also the community sports center at the church of the Oblates of St. Joseph, near Cornelia is open for all. Most of the residents in the apartments in front of the church are non Christians.The Oblate priests of St. Joseph wil not dare proclaim the Faith in their homilies, which are monitored by the police.

The local municipal libraries have non Christians as Directors and the white population has been replaced. It is the same, I noticed for a hospital in Rome. This is not reported in the mainstream media controlled by the Left.

At the Augustinian Recollect church the homilies are politically correct. The priests are foreigners who study in Rome. They do not proclaim the Faith. Instead, they would deny the faith in public on the issue of salvation, to please the police. They are Cushingites and not Feeneyites. Since, there is the non separation of the Church and the Leftist State in Italy. The police, non Christians, are present in the churches.

At the parish church San Andrea della Fratte, near Piazza Spagna, the Minim priests know how different groups come there creating religious tension. This is borne is silence and with patience.

 The political parties like Militia Christi and Forza Nuova do not comment.

 Rome, was once, the city of saints and martyrs. The Eternal City is going back in that direction.-Lionel Andrades

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