Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Rorate Caeili, the SSPX bishops and those who attend the Latin Mass are making the same mistake, so how can they correct Pope Francis ?

Rorate Caeili ( web blog) still interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally.1

 The title should read :

The Council ( interpreted irrationally by the Lefebvrists and liberals) and the Eclipse of God by Don Pietro Leone: CHAPTER 11 (part 1) : The Effects of Council ( irrational)  Teaching. 

Rorate Caeili (web blog) still interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally.1

 The title should read:

The Council (interpreted irrationally by the Lefebvrists and liberals) and the Eclipse of God by Don Pietro Leone: CHAPTER 11 (part 1): The Effects of Council (irrational) Teaching.

The Lefebvrists interpret Vatican Council II like the Jewish Left (ADL) and Pope Francis.So Rorate Caeili is not expected to say, that Pope Francis, is interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally, changing the meaning of the Nicene and Athanasius Creeds and rejecting the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, interpreted rationally. So how is Pope Francis allowed to offer Holy Mass? Cardinals and bishops too in this condition are automatically excommunicated. Canonically he does not qualify to be a pope. Since even a Rector and Parish Priest according to Canon Law, has to be a Catholic and in public follow the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Pope Francis is not affirming the dogma EENS in public even though Vatican Council II interpreted rationally, does not contradict Feeneyite EENS.

He is not affirming the Athanasius Creed even though the Council interpreted rationally supports the past ecclesiocentrism.

He is not affirming the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX in public even the though the Council intepreted with the Rational Premise, does not contradict the Syllabus.

Rorate Caeili, the SSPX bishops and those who attend the Latin Mass are making the same mistake, so how can they correct Pope Francis ?

-Lionel Andrades


The Council and the Eclipse of God by Don Pietro Leone: CHAPTER 11 (part 1) : The Effects of Council Teaching

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