Friday, January 27, 2023

Some of the cardinals are comfortable


Some of the cardinals are comfortable with the present political interpretation of Vatican Council II, approved by the Left. They do not want to discuss this subject. If they would interpret Vatican Council II rationally they would be supporting Tradition.

With the Rational Premise the cardinals would be rejecting the common interpretation of Vatican Council II (irrational) as do the sedevacantists and many traditionalists. The Council would no more be a break with the sedevacantist understanding of Tradition.

With Vatican Council II (rational) the cardinals would be supporting the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. There would be no objective exceptions in the present times for an ecumenism of return. There would be a theological return to the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Upon traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus they could proclaim Traditional Mission based upon Exclusive Salvation in the Church. With there being no known salvation outside the Church they could proclaim the need for the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics. Inter faith marriages would be adultery and a mortal sin etc.-Lionel Andrades

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