Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The cardinals must be asked to have Sr. Benatti brought back to Rome


When the liberalism of the Synods is criticized Sister Nathalie Bequart a consultor to the Synod of Bishops and one of its undersecretaries, refers to the New Ecclesiology of Vatican Council II. She see this as the theological basis for the Synods since 2019. She is referring to Vatican Council II with the False Premise. It is only in this way there is a New Ecclesiology and a break with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church. This is deception. She is not referring to Vatican Council II interpreted with the Rational Premise. For then she would have to affirm the Old Theology. This is the issue. She has to be corrected on this point. No one is discussing this issue.

From 2008 to 2018 she oversaw the National Service for the Evangelization of Young People and for Vocations (SNEJV) of the Bishops Conference of France. She was teaching young people in France to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.

It is important that Sister Bequart and the French Bishops Conference ask religious communities and in particular the community Nostra Signora di Lourdes, to clarify their Catholic faith and explain why Sister Eli Benatti was asked to return to Brazil. Is upholding Catholic religious beliefs, based upon the Bible, Vatican Council II (rational) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (interpreted rationally), ‘terrorism’? The cardinals must be asked to have Sr. Benatti brought back to Rome.-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 15, 2023

Catholics in the police, carabinieri and Ministry of Interior in Italy affirm Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church just like me- just like the Augustinian Recollect priests in Rome.


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