Saturday, February 18, 2023

Bishop of Frosinone and La Nuova Gerusalemme, Bambino Gesu al Gallinero, interpret Vatican Council II dishonestly

I was a seminarian  at the University Pontificial Regina Apostolorum (UPRA) in 2002. My bishop had sent me there.The faculty asked me to leave. I was affirming the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla solus(EENS) and the faculty and students were not.They were interpreting Vatican Concil II as a break with EENS and Tradition.

Then in 2003 I was admitted at the Beda Pontifical College, the English seminary in Rome.They also were interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and there was a rejection of the dogma EENS and the rest of Tradition. They were following the policy set by the Engish Bishops Conference. Cardinal Vince Nicols visited the seminary when I was there and of course he was affirming the liberal policy.

Even today they interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and so they reject the past ecclesiocetrism of the Church, with this ruse.

When I was out of both seminaries I was still  studying philosophy at the Legion of Christ university, UPRA, in Rome. But then my Legion of Christ Spiritual Directors at the university and the former seminary, told me that I would have to accept doctrine like all them. I could not. So they told me that the finances from Propaganda Fide would be stopped.I had to choose. I could continue to sit in the class but would not be permitted for the final Matriculation Examination.

My academic studies in Rome ended there.

Even today I cannot return to any of the pontifical universities where they all officially interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc with a Fake Premise. In this way they create ‘fantasy exceptions’ for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Athanasius Creed. This is their New Theology. It says outside the Church there is known salvation.So the dogma EENS and the Syllabus of Errors, as they were known originally, are now obsolete. Cardinal Ratzinger supported this narrative.

When they interpret invisible cases of Lumen Gentium 14 ( baptism of desire) etc as being visible examples of salvation outside the Church in the present times, I call it Cushingism. Cushingism is irrational of course.It is heretical and schismatic. Invisible and hypothetical cases are being considered physically visible in the present times.This is a False Premise. It has spread throughout the Catholic Church.

When I interpret invisible cases of Lumen Gentium 14, Lumen Gentium 16 ( invincibile ignorance ) etc as being only invisible in 1965-2023 then I call it Feeneyism. My premise is rational and there is no rupture with Tradition. There is an automatic return to Tradition.

Now the faculty and students at all the universities, both pontifical and secular, are interpreting Vatican Council II with Cushingism.It is political. I choose Feeneyism. For me there are no visible cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance. I do not know anyone who is saved in imperfect communion with the Church (UR 3) or seeds of the Word ( GS 22) where the true Church of Christ subsists outside its visible boundaries (LG 8).

They are all in public, interpreting the baptism of desire and being saved in invincibile ignorance with Cushingism and so reject EENS according to the missionaries in the 16th century. I avoid this error with Feeneyism. My premise and inference are rational. So at Mass in Latin or English or Italian there is no break for me, with the ecclesiology of the Latin Mass of the Jesuit priests in the Middle Ages.There is also no new moral theology since there are no exceptions for EENS, for me, in Vatican Council II. There can only be an ecumenism of return for me, since Vatican Council II, does not contradict Feeneyite EENS. The pre 1949 ecclesiology and the past 1949 ecclesiology is the same for me. It is the same before and after Vatican Council II (1965). There cannot be a development of doctrine or a new revelation when we are back to the old ecclesiology with Vatican Council II. I don ot have to choose between Feeneyite EENS and the baptism of desire. They compliment each other. The baptism of desire does not contradict EENS since it refers to a hypothetical case only. I supported on his pooint by Archbishop Thomas E. Gullickson, the foremer Nuncio to Switzerland and Leichenstein, Fr. Stefano Visintin osb, former Rector and Dean of the Theology at the Benedictine University of St. Anselm and the apologist John Martiginoni, among many other priests.

But it means I cannot continue studies in theology and philosophy any more until Pope Francis and the CDF correct the error.

There is a similar problem now with the New Jerusalem(La Nuova Gerusalleme-LNG), Bambino Gesu al Gallinero, community in Frosinone. According to their website the community has religious services as normal and seem to accept Pope Francis.Since he is not in mortal sin for them.Also the charges against them by the police have been dropped. The leftist newspapers are positive and support them. They are no more threathened with dissolution as a sect. They have security with Pope Francis, but they have to compromise on Church teachings. The SSPX are in a similar situation.

The LNG website says that they accept the Creeds and the common prayers. But it is not said that they now have to interpret Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise, just like Pope Francis and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican.This is political and is not denied by anyone.

Since Pope Francis and the College of Cardinals interpret Vatican Council II irrationally, the LNG are rejecting the Athanasius  Creed and changing the interpretation of the Nicene Creed. This is normal for Cushingites. The LNG have to accept mortal sins of faith. I avoid this error by affirming all Magisterial Documents which I interpret rationally and so non politically.

With the Fake Premise ( invisible cases of LG 8,14 and 16 are visible examples of salvation outside the Church, among non Catholics)  they have rejected the baptism of desire ( Feeneyite) and being saved in invincibile ignorance ( Feeneyite). So they support a new Cushingite version of outside the Church there is no salvation. It is the same as the liberals. It is the same as the SSPX and the sedevacantists. The SSPX rejects the non traditional conclusion and the popes accept it.

 So theology today differs from that of the  pre-1949 Magisterium, when there was no Letter of the Holy Office. This 1949 Letter, during the pontificate of Pope Pius XII,  was irrational and created a false new theology in the Church.It was supported by Rahner, Ratzinger, Congar, Murray and the other  liberals at Vatican Council II. They inserted the False Premise, of the 1949 Letter at Vatican Council II and referenced it in Lumen Gentium 16. It was placed in the Denzinger with the objective mistake.

So this is now an issue at  Frosinone where a Magistrate investigated the LNG on a TV program of Rai 1 ( see above) and did not clear them of charges reported in the newspapers. The journalist David Murgia put questions to the lawyer of the LNG on this program.Things were rough for the LNG.

But now we know that David Murgia interprets Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise like Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, the President of the Italian Bishops Conference. At all the programs, of Indagine Ai Confine del Sacro he has been interviewing  bishops who interpret the Council irrationally and call it ‘the magisterium’.

The bishop and parish priest at  Gallinero are also interpreting Vatican Council II  irrationally today.It is the same for the participants in that RAI 1 television program.

So the issue is :

1.All the books being sold at Frosinone on Vatican Council II are written with a Fake Premise and Inference to create a false break with Catholic Tradition.

2.They accept funds from Propaganda Fide and other sources, to pay for scholarships for students, who only interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, irrationally. This is official. It was the same policy for scholarships at the Beda College and the Pontificial International Maria Mater Ecclesia, seminary of the Legion of Christ in Rome.

3.The students from Frosinone are admitted in the pontifical universities in Italy. They are approved by the bishop who interprets the Council irrationally like them.

The Ministry of Interior which picked upon the dissenting  LNG community would now be allowing the LNG, and also the bishop in Frosinone and the parish priest at Gallinero, to interpret the Creeds, Catechisms, Vatican Council II etc irrationally. The issue involves funds. This is unethical. It is not Catholic. Is it legal ? -Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 18, 2023

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi must ask the CEI, Italian government, Alberto Melloni, the bishop of Frosinone and the secular Magistrate in Gallinero, Frosinone, to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and honestly.

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