Saturday, February 25, 2023

Brother Thomas Augustine micm


Brother Thomas Augustine micm, Superior of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Benedict Center, Still River, MA, USA will apply to the Dicastery for Divine Worship, Vatican. He will ask for permission for his religious community, to offer the Latin Mass. He affirms the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) but at the same time contradicts EENS with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally. He interprets the Council like the main line Church in Massachusetts.

The bishop of Worcester, where the St. Benedict Center is situated does not affirm the strict interpretation of EENS, like Brother Thomas Augustine. The bishop also accepts Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally.

So far there has been no problem with the Latin Mass.

The other St. Benedict Center, in Richmond, New Hampshire has its chapel closed. The  the Latin Mass is not permitted there.

The priests at the SBC in Still River, MA, do not affirm Vatican Council II, rational. So for Brother Thomas Augustine the SBC could be permitted to have the Latin Mass at their community chapel, as normal.

If Brother Thomas Augustine interpreted the baptism of desire (BOD) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) irrationally they would be denying the traditional, strict interpretation of EENS. Then there would be no Decree of Prohibitions issued against them. They could have the Latin Mass with no objections. They would be Cushingites and not Feeneyites and this is politically correct with the Dicastery.- Lionel Andrades

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