Tuesday, February 28, 2023

CHARIS the official office of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal , Vatican has approved the La Nuova Gerusallemne(LNG), Charismatic Renewal community at the church San Camillio del Lellis, Via Salusstiana, Rome.There is confusion. Since the LNG community in Frosinone, Italy has been excommunicated by Pope Francis and the bishop of Frosinone.


CHARIS 1 the official office of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal , Vatican has approved the La Nuova Gerusallemne(LNG),2 Charismatic Renewal community at the church San Camillio del Lellis, Via Salusstiana, Rome.3 There is confusion. Since the LNG community in Frosinone, Italy, has been excommunicated by Pope Francis and the bishop of Frosinone.

There was no comment from the parish office or the Charismatic Renewal group.

Last Thursday evening  the Charismatic Renewal Catholic group had their weekly praise and worship service in the church.The LNG poster was placed outside the church by the parish priest Fr. Sergio Palumbio MI.The parish priest will not be allowed by the police to place a poster affirming the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation, as held by St. Camillio de Lellis.

This church also has an annual ecumenical Via Crucis  approved by the Rome Vicariate and Bishop Daniel Libanori, Auxiliary bishop in Rome.

The church of San Camillio de Lellis, Via Salustiana, Rome has a reputation of being pro-Masonic.Non Christian lectors, at the lecturn, announce the sovereignity of man and not God.Dogs are literally brought into the church to de-sacralise the edifice...The Paulist Fathers and the American community in Rome would use this church for a few years.

The Camillians create a break with the ecclesiology of St. Camillio del Lellis by interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally. The saint knew that Protestants were outside the Church. They were lost forever if they did not convert.But CHARIS does not interpret Vatican Council II, rationally. It also rejects the dogma EENS, the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed.It is like a foreign Church within the Catholic Church. -Lionel Andrades








 FEBRUARY 21, 2023

How can Pope Francis and the bishop of Frosinone who both interpret Vatican Council II, by using a False Premise, excommunicate a Catholic community, any community, on the issue of doctrine?


FEBRUARY 20, 2023

David Murgia and the ignorance of bishops: a common error on Vatican Council II

 FEBRUARY 18, 2023

Bishop of Frosinone and La Nuova Gerusalemme, Bambino Gesu al Gallinero, interpret Vatican Council II dishonestly

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