Monday, February 27, 2023

If the SSPX interprets Vatican Council II rationally their image changes


If the SSPX priests at Albano, Italy, where Father Federico Montani lives, interprets LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA2, GS22 etc in Vatican Council II as being only hypothetical cases in 2023, then there are no more traditionalists, who reject Vatican Council II. Everything changes. Neither do the SSPX become liberals who accept Vatican Council II, irrational. The liberal-traditionalist division is finished. The Council is traditional. It supports Tradition. The ecclesiology at the Latin and Italian Mass, has to be the same since the priest can only interpret the Council rationally and traditionally. The SSPX is no more a traditionalist community whose members reject Vatican Council II. They do not have to reject Vatican Council II since the Council is an ally of Tradition. It is the liberals and the Masons who may want to reject Vatican Council II, rational. Since there is no more a theological basis for their progressivism. There is no known salvation outside the Church. This is the new fact they have to deal with. So there can be no new ecumenism, new theology, new ecclesiology,  new evangelization which is Christocentric without being Ecclesiocentric too, no rejection of the past ecclesiocentric mission, no innovation in faith and morals in the name of Vatican Council II ( irrational). 

Amoris Laetitia and the Abu Dhabi Declaration cannot be justified with Vatican Council II (rational).

Traditionis Custode cannot be based upon Vatican Council II, irrational.The only ethical choice we have is Vatican Council II rational.

 The image of the SSPX changes because the interpretation of the Council changes. There is only one rational option and its conclusion is traditional.- Lionel Andrades

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