Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The SSPX Mass is valid. It will be licit when Pope Francis accepts Vatican Council II (rational) and so comes back to Tradition. The SSPX then can easily accept a traditional Council II. The responsibility lies with the pope.


The SSPX Mass is valid. It will be licit when Pope Francis accepts Vatican Council II (rational) and so comes back to Tradition. The SSPX then can easily accept a traditional Council. The responsibility lies with the pope. He must accept Vatican Council II (rational). He must not tell the SSPX that their Mass will be licit only when they accept Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally. Cardinal Luiz Ladaris sj must not interpret Vatican Council II politically and then dialogue with the SSPX for them to do the same.

The cardinals and bishops in general are interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and politically and so their Mass is licit for the pope and the Left.

But with Vatican Council II (irrational) they are contradicting the Creeds and Catechisms producing heresy and schism and this is ‘licit’? This is also a mortal sin of faith. It is a public, manifest mortal sin of faith, which is licit for the pope.

The SSPX is doing the correct thing by rejecting Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally by Pope Francis. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was correct. The Council interpreted irrationally, to produce a fake break with Tradition, should be rejected by all Catholics. 

However Pope Francis and the SSPX must accept and interpret Vatican Council II rationally. This is possible. Then Pope Francis becomes conservative on Vatican Council II. The Council can no more support a development of doctrine; it will not be there in the text of the Council. The liberalism in the Church ends.

Theology will once again say outside the Church there is no known salvation. Since there are no practical exceptions for traditional exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.None that can be seen and none mentioned in the text of Vatican Council II. ‘Rome will have returned to the Faith’ as sought by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Liberalism will no more be a choice. The pope can no more justify Traditionis Custode with Vatican Council II (irrational). Since the Council will only support the ecclesiology of the pre-1962 Missal. The Council will be licit. It will be ethical. Now it is dishonest. It is valid for the pope and also licit but the interpretation is based upon deception which is politically correct, since the time of Pope Paul VI.

The Dominican Mass, for example, at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) Rome, is valid and the interpretation of Vatican Council II is licit, but it is also dishonest. It is a moral issue. It is unethical. The Dominicans are teaching a new ecclesiology based upon the irrational interpretation of the Council. The Novus Ordo and Latin Mass are valid and licit but with the false interpretation of Vatican Council II, they become heretical and schismatic, in their theology.

The Council interpreted with the Fake Premise and Inference produces heresy and schism, even at the Latin Mass.- Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 6, 2023

The SSPX Mass is valid and it is the popes who are in heresy and schism when they support Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally and not rationally.


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