Tuesday, March 14, 2023

No mission to the Jehovah Witness : In the absence of Church missionary programs which are ecclesiocentric how can lay Catholics in Rome be missionaries?


At the Cornelia Metro Station  I some times see two or three ladies standing at the entrance with booklets of the Jehovah Witnesses  Church. They have bought these booklets with their own money  and give them out free, to anyone who asks for it. Those who are interested are invited for courses on the Bible. Their Bible is different from that of the Catholic Bible. It has been changed by the founder of their religion Charles Russell.He believed that there was exclusive salvation in his sect. There was no Hell for him. This is appealing to new people. They can be baptised with water in the JW church and be sure they are gong to Heaven. They can sin without the fear of going to Hell.

The ladies living out the material are probably ex-Catholics. They have never been told that in the Catholic Church there is exclusive salvation, according to the Bible. The Bible says that the Church is Jesus’ Mystical Body. All need Catholic faith ( John 3:5). All need the baptism of water for salvation ( John 3:5). Those who do not believe will be condemned ( Mark 16:26).

They are not told that the prophet Isaiah mentions Hell and asks who among us can stand a furnace for all time. They are not asked to be missionaries for the Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

 There are also no missionaries to tell them the basic teachings of the Church on salvation.

In the absence of Church missionary programs,  which are ecclesiocentric, how can lay Catholics in Rome be missionaries?  - Lionel Andrades

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