Monday, March 13, 2023

To reject the Creeds, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican Council II interpreted rationally is a mortal sin of faith. This is being done by the priests of the SSPX.


The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) must announce that they accept Vatican Council II, rational, since the Council is no more an issue, after the discovery of the two interpretations of the Council. So when LG 8 etc are interpreted rationally then the Council supports the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors and the Catechism of Pope Pius X.The Council supports Tradition.

Vatican Council II interpreted rationally is a problem for the liberals. The Council interpreted irrationally is unethical, they must be told by the SSPX.


Father Federico Montani mentioned mortal sins of faith in his sermon yesterday morning. 

But the SSPX priests are authors of books on Vatican Council II and Tradition and they interpret the Council irrationally. So there are new versions of the Creeds. There are new versions of the Catechisms and they reject these non-traditional conclusions. They are not aware of the false premise and inference they have chosen to interpret the Catechisms.


These books are heretical. Since I can interpret the Council rationally and there is no new version of the Creeds. The Catechisms are in harmony with the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).

The SSPX does not accept the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS since the baptism of desire and beings saved in invincible ignorance refer to visible cases for them. They are invisible for me.


So the general concept of Vatican Council II, the whole concept of the Council is heretical when it is expressed by the SSPX bishops and priests. They can simply avoid it by choosing the rational premise and inference and traditional conclusion.


This is a political interpretation of Vatican Council II by the SSPX and the popes. It is approved by Econe.

I have e-mailed these blog posts many times to the SSPX centers in the USA, Canada, France, Germany and Italy.


I have one simple question: Do LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to hypothetical cases only in 2023?

The answer would be yes, for Father Aldo Rossi, the former Prior at the SSPX District Albano. He said that this is something obvious.

When LG 8, 14 and 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are hypothetical and invisible cases only in 1965-2023 then they are not explicit examples of salvation. They are not objective cases. They are not known non Catholics saved outside the Church.


So they do not contradict the dogma EENS. They are not practical exceptions for the Athanasius Creed. Vatican Council II is in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church is in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors and the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) and the Council of Florence (1442).

Why must the SSPX reject Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church when they are interpreted rationally in harmony with Tradition?

They can continue to reject the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

To reject the Creeds, Catechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican Council II interpreted rationally is a mortal sin of faith. This is a mortal sin of faith for the priests of the SSPX bishops and priests,They are unethical on the Council.I am not. - Lionel Andrades


 FEBRUARY 28, 2023

Father Federico Montani must only be allowed to interpret Vatican Council II honestly and so rationally at the Latin Mass in Rome. This is a legal point. He is correct when he rejects Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church interpreted irrationally and so dishonestly


Father Federico Montani will not be given permission by Cardinal Arthur Roche  to offer the Latin Mass at the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) chapel in Rome because of his rejection of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. But if he demands that the pope and cardinals interpret Vatican Council II rationally and ethically and accept the traditional and honest conclusion, things could be different. Since Vatican Council II can only be interpreted ethically and rationally and the conclusion has to be traditional only- and the popes and cardinals are not doing this.

The responsibility lies with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican and not the Superior of the SSPX, Albano,Italy or the other religious communities, like the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate of Fr. Stefano Manelli f.i or the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Still River, MA, USA.

The Vatican is illegal when it chooses a Fake Premise to interpret Vatican Council II. The cardinals cannot pretend that this is normal and legal.

Fr. Mantoni has a legal right to be able to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and honestly. He must not be forced to be dishonest by the Vatican and the Left.

If he announces that he chooses to accept Vatican Council II rationally and honestly and so come in harmony with Tradition, without rejecting Vatican Council II,  will the Vatican accept it? Will this be enough to officially allow him to continue to offer the Latin Mass? Will it be the same for other religious communities in Italy and throughout the world?

The SSPX must ask this of the Vatican- only clarify a legal point.

The Vatican and the Left must interpret the Council honestly at every Mass, Latin or Novus Ordo. The members of the Vatican Tribunal are obliged to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and honestly. Even Cardinal Angelo Becciu must be granted this right.

The Judges of the Vatican Supreme Tribunal must only interpret the Council rationally. This is obligatory. Catechesis for the children of the secular judges of the secular courts in Rome must only be based upon Vatican Council II interpreted honestly.

Father Federico Montani must only be allowed to interpret Vatican Council II honestly and so rationally at the Latin Mass in Rome. This is a legal point. He is correct when he rejects Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church interpreted irrationally and so dishonestly.   - Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 27, 2023

Se la FSSPX interpreta razionalmente il Concilio Vaticano II la loro immagine cambia

FEBRUARY 27, 2023

If the SSPX interprets Vatican Council II rationally their image changes

 FEBRUARY 27, 2023

Il sacerdote della FSSPX non è etico riguardo al Concilio Vaticano II

FEBRUARY 27, 2023

SSPX priest is unethical on Vatican Council II

FEBRUARY 26, 2023

Il sacerdote della FSSPX afferma il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus secondo i vecchi Concili e Catechismi della Chiesa ma non il Concilio Vaticano II e il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica

FEBRUARY 26, 2023

SSPX priest affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the old Church Councils and Catechisms but not Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church

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