Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Vatican persecutes traditionalist Benedict nuns


VATICAN PERSECUTES TRADITIONALIST BENEDICTINE NUNSPIENZA, Italy ( - An Italian diocese is using paramilitary police to intimidate traditionalist nuns who refuse to submit to Vatican diktats, which include banishing the prioress to a progressive, quasi-Protestant community. 


Bp. Stefano Manetti with the 13 nuns from

the monastery of Mary Temple of the Holy Spirit

Thirteen nuns from the monastery of Mary Temple of the Holy Spirit have slammed Cdl. Augusto Paolo Lojudice of the Montepulciano–Chiusi–Pienza diocese for the "fake news and distortions" aimed at "defaming" them and "creating a gratuitous and inopportune climate of scandal."

Sources close to the monastery say that the Vatican and the cardinal are seeking to oust the nuns so that they can sell the prime property on the site of the diocese's former seminary and stamp out the Tridentine Mass, which the nuns "discovered" in 2020. 

Cardinal Lojudice has also refused to allow the sisters to receive Holy Communion on the tongue while kneeling, humiliating them before the whole city by making them stand up and receive the Blessed Sacrament in the hand, Church Militant has learned.  

Soon after his appointment as bishop of Montepulciano–Chiusi–Pienza, Lojudice rebuked the nuns while in the sacristy, telling them that they could do as they wished in their monastery, but they had to conform to common practice regarding the reception of Communion in public. 

The nuns have also provoked the wrath of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life, headed by progressives Cdl. Braz de Aviz and Abp. José Rodriguez Carballo, by refusing to join a "federation" (a group of monasteries sharing a spiritual and governmental approach). 

The community, consisting of mostly young and international sisters, is not obliged to be part of a "federation," since the previous Bp. Stefano Manetti constituted the monastery under the canonical status of sui juris — autonomous and directly under the jurisdiction of the Holy See.

Bp. Jozef Marianus Punt

In 2017, Manetti welcomed the sisters to the diocese after they were expelled from Holland by Bp. Jozef Marianus Punt under pressure from the Neocatechumenal Way — a controversial lay movement with allegedly heterodox teachings and liturgical practices.    

The bishop also accommodated them in the defunct seminary, offered to pay their utilities and promised the sisters that he would find an appropriate permanent home — a canonical requirement for a monastery operating sui juris.

Months later, hoping to evict them from the site, Manetti offered the nuns a nine-year loan contract, revocable without any reason, on the condition that the sisters provide for their expenses and bear the costs of renovating and upgrading the building. 

In April 2022, when he was transferred to the episcopal see of Fiesole, Manetti verbally revoked the permission to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass that he had granted to the nuns in 2020. The nuns were even deprived of Mass in the New Rite on Sundays and weekdays.

He also told them that Fr. Antonio Canestri, the rector of the abandoned seminary, was seeking to evict them. Days later, Canestri entered the seminary to claim ownership of the property, even violating the cloister by entering the cells of the nuns...  


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