Tuesday, April 18, 2023

At least now it has been confirmed that CMTV and the SSPX have been interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and politically to avoid the Anti Semitism charge and so protect their finances and existence.


At least now it has been confirmed that CMTV and the SSPX have been interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and politically to avoid the Anti Semitism charge and so protect their finances and existence. They can stop saying that they follow Tradition. They can also stop saying that the pope’s interpretation of the Council is magisterial, when he is really irrational and unethical like them. He chooses the False Premise to create a break with Tradition and please the Left.Otherwise, with the rational premise he would be a traditionalist. He would be affirming the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) like in the 12th to 16th century.But then he would be Anti Semitic and would be persecuted.

It is the same with the cardinals. They can interpret Vatican Council II rationally and affirm Tradition. But then they would be expelled.They have to choose. They stay on as cardinals but are dishonest. - Lionel Andrades

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