Saturday, April 15, 2023

Bishop Fellay remains part of the conspiracy on Vatican Council II.


Bishop Bernard Fellay expelled Bishop Richard Williamson and Fr. Florian Abrahamowich to avoid the Anti-Semitic charge against him and the SSPX. So he never affirmed the Fourth Lateran Council (1215)  which did not mention any exceptions, for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which it defined. Now even after being informed, he still interprets Vatican Council II irrationally, to produce ‘fake exceptions’ for the ecclesiocentrism of the Church. He is supporting liberal doctrines on mission, salvation, ecumenism etc and so is not labeled Anti-Semitic.

In Rome quote a few priests, diocesan and religious, have affirmed the dogma EENS according to the Catechisms of Trent and Pius X but when I quoted them on this blog and this came to the attention of the Rome Vicariate and the Vatican, they were threatened with expulsion. This was during the pontificate of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict.

One of them was a former Salesian Rector of the basilican of the Sacred Heart in front of Termini, Rome. He was following St. John Bosco on there being exclusive salvation in the Church based upon the traditional interpretation of the Bible.

Now Bishop Fellay pleases the liberals and the Masons when he interprets Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition. If he interpreted them rationally and said Vatican Council II has continuity with the past Councils and Creeds, it would be opposed by the Left. Pope Francis will declare him legally not a Catholic. The SSPX will have to expel him or lose their status as a charitable organization with tax exemptions for donors. So Bishop Fellay remains part of the conspiracy on Vatican Council II.  - Lionel Andrades

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