Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Could you ask someone at the SSPX Headquarters to let us know what is their official position on this issue ? The priests here in Rome have conflicting or no views. They are afraid. Since this is a political subject. The SSPX interpretation of Vatican Council II is political. You know it.

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Dear Mary Ann Kreitzer,

Praised be Jesus.

When Bishop Schneider was interviewed by Dr. Taylor Marshall he said that there were no literal cases of the baptism of desire. Marshall confirmed it. He said  that there were no explicit cases of St. Thomas Aquinas' implicit baptism of desire.

This is reality. We cannot meet any one saved with the baptism of desire. 

Could you let us know what do you think ? Is Lumen Gentium 14 ( baptism of desire) referring to only a hypothetical and theoretical case  for you? In our 'exchanges' before you did not answer this question.

Then could you ask someone at the SSPX Headquarters to let us know what is their official position on this issue ? The priests here in Rome have conflicting or no views. They are afraid. Since this is a political subject. The SSPX interpretation of Vatican Council II is political. You know it. 

The SSPX is following the Vatican and the Left on Vatican Council II.The Council is not a rupture with Tradition.

Is it possible for you to send this comment to someone responsible in the SSPX. Plese ask him simply : Does LG 8,LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II refer to a subjective or objective case, someone invisible or visible in 1965-2023, someone unseen or seen, someone unknown or known.

John Martignoni the apologist says they refer to invisible cases.

Fr. Stefano Visintin osb the former Rector and Dean of Theology at the University of St.Anselm says the same.

Archbishop Thomas Gullickson in a reply to my question, has also answered in the affirmative on his blog.

In Christ

Lionel Andrades


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