Saturday, April 15, 2023

My theology is different from the liberals and the SSPX leadership, since I interpret Vatican Council II rationally.I do not have to choose between Tradition and the Council interpreted irrationally. I do not have to choose between hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire and the strict intrerpretation of EENS. I can have it both ways.


My theology is different from the liberals and the SSPX leadership, since I interpret Vatican Council II rationally.I do not have to choose between Tradition and the  Council interpreted irrationally. I do not have to choose between hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire and the strict intrerpretation of EENS. I can have it both ways.

 I accept the Council and do not use the Fake Premise. So I can go for Mass at the SSPX chapel and also the main line Catholic churches in Italy.My theology is not a break with the ecclesiology of the 1962 Missal.

When a new magisterium is created by interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally, I have to reject it. It cannot be magisterial when a false premise is chosen.

When the New Missal is supported by Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally then I have to reject it. Since it does not support the Church’s ecclesiocentric ecclesiology.

The Mass is still the un-bloody Sacrifice of Jesus, irrespective…In the mainline churches some priests do not approve the Eucharist being received kneeling and on the tongue. In this case I do not receive the Eucharist and make a Spiritual Communion.

This is how it was for over a year during Covid, at Mass in Italian in Rome.  - Lionel Andrades

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