Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Simon Rafe interprets the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance irrationally. In this way he produces alleged exceptions for the Fourth Lateran Council (1215). So he rejects the original dogma outside the Church there is no salvation, which did not mention any exceptions. This is political and unethical. He considers this being a Catholic. He is really avoiding the Anti Semitic charge, when he chooses to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally instead of rationally. He is denying being a Catholic to remain at CMTV. He is a false Catholic on doctrine and faith, like the crew at CMTV.

Simon Rafe interprets the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance irrationally. In this way he produces alleged exceptions for the Fourth Lateran Council (1215). So he rejects the original dogma outside the Church there is no salvation, which did not mention any exceptions. This is political and unethical. He considers this being a Catholic. He is really avoiding the Anti Semitic charge, when he chooses to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally instead of rationally. He is denying being a Catholic to remain at CMTV. He is a false Catholic on doctrine and faith, like the crew at CMTV.They avoid the hardline on Vatican Council II.- Lionel Andrades

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