Thursday, May 25, 2023

CMTV must refuse to interpret Vatican Council II like the Archbishop of Detroit, the CDF and the ADL.

There is no clarification or correction from Michael Voris at Church Militant TV. He agrees with me. There is no denial. He is not telling Catholics that they can interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II as being invisible, hypothetical and speculative cases only. They are not visible and practical examples of salvation outside the Church and so are not exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and the Athanasius Creed. They do not contradict the Syllabus of Error of Pope Pius IX on an ecumenism of return to the Church. They are not a break with the past ecclesiocentrism of the Catholic Church. They do not contradict the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church which is not expressed in the New Evangelisation, New Ecclesiology, New Ecumenism and New Theology.

LG 8 etc have a continuity with Tradition and this is not wanted by the liberals and Masons.They are possibilities known only to God, when all needing faith and baptism of water for salvation, is also a possibility known to God. If anyone is saved outside the Catholic Church it is not part of our human reality. We cannot meet and see such cases.

So if Michael Voris says that LG 8,14, 16 etc refer to only hypothetical cases and not objective exceptions for the dogma EENS and the Syllabus of Errors, CMTV will be saying that all Jews, Muslims and other non Christians, are oriented to Hell without faith and baptism in the Catholic Church and that in Heaven there are only Catholics.

This would be opposed by the political left.

The Archbishop of Detroit and the Vatican would excommunicate him, like ‘the Church’ excommunicated Fr. Leonard Feeney politically, for affirming the Fourth Lateran Council and the Council of Florence on traditional EENS. The ADL would put restrictions on CMTV as a media.

CMTV should really refuse to interpret Vatican Council II like the Archbishop of Detroit, the CDF and the ADL. - Lionel Andrades

 MAY 24, 2023

CMTV is still not telling Catholics to interpret Vatican Council II rationally


Michael Voris, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles, Bradley Eili and Jules Gomes  are still not affirming the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) in harmony with Vatican Council II interpreted rationally. They want to avoid trouble with the Attorney General in Detroit and the Archbishop of Detroit Allen Vigneron. So they are politically correct with the Left on Catholic doctrine, like the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican. They are calling this irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II Magisterial, since it is supported politically by Pope Francis and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, Prefect of the CDF, who are unethical and dishonest, like them at CMTV.

This is a scandal. For political reasons Church Militant TV is rejecting the dogma EENS and re-interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and they are not telling Catholics to avoid this error.-Lionel Andrades

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