Sunday, May 28, 2023


 by Alexander Karzon  •  •  May 23, 2023    

Detroit CM Resistance goes downtown

This past Saturday, members of Detroit's Resistance chapter spent some time speaking about the Faith with passersby in Plymouth, Michigan's Kellogg Park.


Detroit's Resistance chapter in

Plymouth, Michigan's Kellogg Park.

Evangelization is something all Catholics are called to do in whatever capacity they are able.

We don't want to channel the words of the servant in the Parable of the Talents who did nothing with the talent he was given: "I knew you were a demanding person, harvesting where you did not plant and gathering where you did not scatter; so out of fear I went off and buried your talent in the ground" (Matthew 25:24–25).

This idea of spreading God's word prompted the Motown Resistance chapter to invest in various catechetical materials to give away. To do this, they set up a large tent at the entrance to Kellogg Park in Plymouth this past Saturday. 

Resistance members Jeff and Cydney Domsic scoured local Salvation Army stores and resale shops and rescued Catholic Bibles and other books to give away, effectively repurposing and recycling for the Kingdom of God.

Many passersby to the tent took home these materials. One young teenage girl took a Bible to give to her father, and another older man took as many as 10 books to read.

Many passersby to the tent took home these materials. 

Rosaries, prayer cards and miraculous medals were offered to passersby, along with pamphlets explaining the basics of the Catholic faith and answering common objections.

Free Rosaries, prayer cards and miraculous medals.

Father Paul John Kalchik was in town and ended up spending the day with the Detroit Resistance chapter, passing out prayer cards and even praying with those who asked to do so. One newly married couple just walking through the park asked for a special blessing on their marriage.

Jeff and Cydney recently finished a course on evangelization and used their training well, making the day in the park a success.

One of the most challenging aspects of evangelizing is determining the best way to approach someone on the street without coming off as a too-pushy salesman.

One method they found effective was simply posing friendly greetings. Cydney approached many of the passersby by saying, "We're a group of Catholics and would like to know if there's anything you'd like us to pray for." The group also told those willing to listen, "We have loads of free books — take one or as many as you want."

Simple endeavors like this require sacrifice, but the fruits are immeasurable.

Given that most people — religious or not — go through a challenge on any given day, the offer to say a prayer or two was well-received. This allows further religious discussion to blossom.

Simple endeavors like this require sacrifice but the fruits of that sacrifice are immeasurable. Never forget the wise words of Abp. Fulton Sheen: "The surest way to get to Heaven is to take someone's hand and lead them there."

For more information on the Detroit Resistance Chapter, email

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