Saturday, May 20, 2023

Political Left CEI to investigate Giselle Cardia


The Italian bishops’ conference is investigating the politically in-correct Italian visionary after eight years of peaceful non controversial co-existence with the seer at Trevignon. The media condemns her with confidence, as if they have apparitions of their own. Possibly from Satan whom they otherwise support. Bruno Vespa on the television program Porta il Porta ( Rai 1) says they have a duty to protect ‘the fragile’ and those who can be duped by false apparitions. He does not think he has a duty to defend the fragile from the pornography on Italian media!

So how can the politically left Italian bishops’ conference (Conferenza Episcopale Italia-CEI) impartially judge the apparitions and phenomena at Trevignon Romano?

 Before the last apparition on May 3 the government had blockaded the area. The police had closed the roads leading to the apparition site. Now the authorities have had the structures removed. The civil authorities are judging a religious event amid the alleged non separation of Church and State in Italy.

So we can imagine the sudden political pressure on the CEI to intervene after eight years? Someone does not like what Our Lady is saying.

These apparitions have a link to Medugorje where Our Lady is forced to be prudent, in a worldly sense. Otherwise Medugorje would have been shut down a long time back like the approved apparitions in Brazil. The new bishop approved by Pope Francis, in Brazile, ended the apparitions there, where, Our Lady said outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.

Bishop Ratko Peric supported the apparitions at Medugorje when they began. But  Our Lady criticized his decision on the transfer of two Franciscan priests. He judged himself correct and Our Lady wrong. He opposed the apparitions.

He was opposed by the Franciscans and the local people, who supported the visionaries and were disobedient to him. Overtime in Medugorje, Our Lady’s messages which were sensitive or a response to direct messages, were kept private. If one of the religious asked, for example, the name of her Guardian Angel, the answer would not be made public. Probably the CEI will tell Giselle Cardia to do the same.

At Trevignon what was said about the origin of the Corona Virus and China is corroborated today by many secular sources. Her alleged remarks, on the coming of a dictatorship in Italy, were not talked about on the media condemning her.

Salvini and Melloni are following orders on the abortion law 194 which permits abortions in Italy, killing over 1,00,000 Italians every year. LGBT sins are condoned…

The Italian bishops have not politically opposed the abortion law 194.They do not call for prayer meetings and protest marches. 

Then there was the case of Erich Priebke who converted in his later life and would attend Sunday Mass.He was being opposed by the Left. They did not want a funeral for him in Rome. Cardinal Matteo Zuppi compromised. It was the SSPX who offered to have a funeral Mass for him at Albano.

The Italian bishops’ conference approved a funeral Mass for a diplomat Luka who was living in adultery in an African country. The high profile Mass offered by Cardinal Angelo Donatis was attended by the Prime Minister of Italy.The Prime Minister is  appointed by the leftist President, Sergio Mattarella. The Italian diplomat's non Christian wife, with whom he was living, was also present at the basilica of St.Mary of the Angels, Rome. for the Mass.

Now these Italian bishops who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally, unethically and politically are to judge the apparitions at Trevignon?

When they interpret Vatican Council II dishonestly in public how can they be Magisterial?

Giselle Cardia is defending herself. She is not moving out of Italy. She is from Sicilia. This is unlike Maria Divine Mercy, Mary Carberry, who caved in when her identity was discovered. The Archbishop of Dublin who did not oppose the Irish referendum on abortion was quick to condemn her in public. Among the things Carberry said was that Pope Benedict would have to move out of the Vatican and not live with Pope Francis. She said that at times there would be arrogance in the statements of Pope Francis. People have still not been asked to place his picture in their house as she mentioned but here in Rome, at Mass, in Italian they have started nodding when his name is mentioned….

Carberry went into hiding. Giselle says that she is staying in Italy and will accept the Cross which comes her way. - Lionel Andrades

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