Saturday, May 13, 2023

Taylor Marshall announces run for President of the United States

(LifeSiteNews) — Traditional Catholic author, father of eight, and podcaster Taylor Marshall has announced that he’s running for President of the United States.

“I am serious. I am running,” Marshall confirmed with LifeSiteNews earlier today via text message.

Marshall, 45, unexpectedly broke the news on Twitter on the morning of Friday, May 12, the Feast of Saints Domitilla, Nereus, Achilleus, and Pancratius.

“What do you want to see in a Catholic political platform?” he asked his followers.

Marshall previously endorsed President Donald Trump’s re-election bid in 2020, during which time he served on the board of Catholics for Trump. He delivered the opening prayer at a Trump campaign rally near Pittsburgh in October of that year. Marshall also went to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence alongside radio show host Jesse Romero several months ago.

A former Anglican clergyman, Marshall, who currently resides in Texas with his wife Joy and their children, previously lived in Washington D.C., where he worked at the Catholic Information Center.  

Marshall is perhaps best known for hosting the Dr. Taylor Marshall Showwhich he uses to discuss — from a Catholic perspective — the New World Order, international Freemasonry, the Great Reset, and a wide range of other topics. The public statements of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò are also a frequent point of discussion on the show.

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