Monday, May 8, 2023

The SSPX must keep selling the 1962 Missal. They are valuable since their theology is in harmony with Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.


The SSPX must keep selling the 1962 Missal. They are valuable since their theology is in harmony with Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.

Fr. Jean Marie Gleize, Fr. Matthias Gaudron, Fr. Francois Laisney and other authors and professor-priests, must write new books. They must only interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so in harmony with Tradition.

The Angelus Press has to publish books  which re-interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church rationally and so in harmony with the previous Catechisms, like Trent, Pius X etc.

The richness of the Mass stands. Only the sermons have to be adapted to the pre-1949 Mass. It means they can continue to criticize Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally but they must support Vatican Council II interpreted rationally. The Council  must be cited to support Tradition and reject the present liberalism. There is only one moral choice.

Also Pope Francis has to be asked formally to interpret Vatican Council II honestly. The  SSPX continues to want to be part of the main line Church.They now have Vatican Council II as an ally and the liberals are in trouble .-Lionel Andrades

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