Friday, May 5, 2023

This is what the Archbishop of Paris and the Nuncio need to know


There are Latin Mass protests outside the Nuncio’s office in Paris and Washington. But this is not enough. The Archbishop and Nuncio in Paris interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and so change the original interpretation of the Creeds, Councils, and Catechisms. This is public and official. It should be mentioned that in the past they would be excommunicated for being in public schism.They must correct the scandal. This is what the regular protesters should be demanding since this issue is also related to the 1962 Missal and the Latin Mass.

The media should be shown how the French Bishops Conference, for example, are intentionally interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally for politically -left reasons. They are not excommunicated by Pope Francis. Since they break with the Church Councils and Creeds, they are not labeled Anti Semitic, by the secular lobbies who are against the Catholic Church.

If they interpreted Vatican Council II rationally then the Church in France, at all rites and Masses would have to return to the old ecclesiology of the 1962 Missal.The Catholic Church returns to Tradition even in the main line Church which has Mass in French.But then they will be persecuted by the Left.

For ‘good relations with the Jews’ of the Left, the Archbishop and Nuncio in Paris, for example, and all the bishops in France, do not interpret Vatican Council II rationally in harmony with the past ecclesiocentrism of the Catholic Church. They choose a theological rupture. They choose to be dishonest. Only in this way there is no political persecution.But if they interpret Vatican Council II rationally the Catholic Church returns to traditional mission and an ecumenism of return based upon the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, whch is not contradicted by Vatican Council II, rational. Inter faith marriages were adultery. Divorce was a mortal sin. The popes banned usury. They supported only Catholic politicians who were not living in public mortal sins in France.

We can go back to this Tradition by simply interpreting Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents, rationally. Rome comes back to the Faith.The pope cannot justify innovation at the Synods based upon Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally. Catholics now know that they can interpret the Council rationally. They have an ethical choice.

This is what the Archbishop of Paris and the Nuncio need to know.-Lionel Andrades

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