Sunday, May 7, 2023

Today on the book rack at the SSPX chapel in Rome the book The Catechism of the Crisis in the Catholic Church by Fr. Matthias Gaudron was being sold. This book is obsolete and should be removed.

 Today on the book rack at the SSPX chapel in Rome the book The Catechism of the Crisis in the Catholic Church by Fr. Matthias Gaudron was being sold. This book is obsolete and should be removed. The writer did not know that Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church can be interpreted rationally and the conclusion is traditional.

The Sunday Missals in Italian which are being sold there would be useful. Since Vatican Council II interpreted rationally supports the ecclesiology of the 1962 Missal.

But the magazines on display interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and so belong to a past time. They are not useful any more.

Also the sermons must take into account that people now know that the Council can be interpreted rational and it is Feeneyite on EENS. So Catholics have a moral duty to only interpret LG 8, 14 and 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, rationally and not irrationally, as does Fr. Matthias Gaudron.

At the Latin Mass they must know that the problem for Pope Francis and the Left is not the Mass itself (the rubrics) but the 1962 Missal which says outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.

So the Novus Ordo main line Church in Rome they must re –interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so also at the SSPX chapel. At the SPX chapel they must affirm Vatican Council II, rational, in harmony with Tradition and they must do the same at the churches where there is Mass in Italian. At the Novus Ordo Mass they must not cite Vatican Council II to support liberalism and at the SSPX Mass they must not cite Vatican Council II as supporting liberalism and rejecting Tradition. This of course, would be Vatican Council irrational, which is now obsolete. - Lionel Andrades

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