Saturday, June 17, 2023

All the Working Group Members of the AUSCP are interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and dishonestly. Their interpretation of the Council is political and obsolete.

 From the AUSCP website

Vatican II

AUSCP announces three focus areas related to Vatican II for the coming years. We pose the following questions to consider in pondering the three texts below:

1.    Can you give fundamental support to the three statements as they relate to present day issues in Church and world and to the fundamental teachings of Vatican II?

·         People of God, 

·         Religious Freedom,

·         Church in Present Day

Lionel: Yes but with Vatican Council II interpreted rationally and not irrationally.


2.    Can you see yourself working with others to make one or another of these statements truly alive in today’s Church and world? What specific initiatives could you and others take to make these Council teachings more prominent in the current life of the Church and society?

Lionel: I would clarify on my blog and through other media that the Council supports the past ecclesiocentism of the Catholic Church. It is traditional. The Council can only be interpreted rationally. This is being ethical. There is no other valid option.

I would clarify that the AUSCP is dishonest.

It interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and then justifies any type of liberalism. With the Council interpreted irrationally, there are exceptions created for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). This false interpretation of the Council is called ‘revolutionary’ and ‘a break with Tradition’. So homosexuality, married priests etc are rationalized. This reasoning is dishonest and political.

When Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally it supports the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, the Catechism of Pope Pius X and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (845, 846, 1257 etc). There is no development of doctrine.

3.    Do you agree that these three statements help to promote Pope Francis’ vision of Vatican II present in today’s Church and world?   Comment?

Lionel: Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II irrationally like the AUSCP. His interpretation of the Council is now obsolete. Catholics have a rational choice. Why should Catholics, in conscience, interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and dishonestly when they have a rational choice which is traditional, non heretatical and non schismatic ?


AUSCP Vatican II Working Group Members

Consistent Work Group Participants

  • Louie Arceneaux, CM [New Orleans, LA Archdiocese]
  • Bob Bonnot [Youngstown, OH Diocese]
  • Harry Bury [St. Paul/Minneapolis Archdiocese]
  • Kevin Clinton [St. Paul/Minneapolis Archdiocese]
  • Joe Gosselin [Atlanta, GA Archdiocese]
  • George Hundt [Patterson NJ Diocese]
  • Clyde Foster [Cleveland, OH Archdiocese]
  • Joe Graffis [Louisville, KY Archdiocese]
  • Bob Nee [Boston, MA Archdiocese]
  • Tom McCarthy [Youngstown, OH Diocese]

Work Group Advisors

  • Don Conroy [St.Paul/Mpls psychotherapist]
  • Michael Agliardo, PhD, S.J. [Berkely, CA]
  • Jan Michael Joncas [St. Paul/Minneapolis Archdiocese]
  • Leo Jacoby [Friend of AUSCP, Wisconsin Layman]

Lionel: All the Working Group Members are interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and dishonestly. Their interpretation of the Council is political and obsolete. The Church has returned to the past with the rational interpretation of the Council. We are not obliged to choose the irrational and dishonest New Theology of Massimo Faggioli and the Bologna School of Alberto Melloni. The Church has returned to the old exclusivist ecclesiology based upon Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.- Lionel Andrades


JUNE 17, 2023

Church Militant’s Download does not mention that the AUSCP like the Synods justify their liberalism with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally, which is a break with Tradition. So if CMTV and Lepanto Institute object, the AUSCP would simply say that they are following Vatican Council II ( irrational) just like CMTV.CMTV cannot object since they are also interpreting Vatican Council II politically like the AUSCP.

 Church Militant’s Download does not mention that the AUSCP like the Synods justify their liberalism with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally, which is a break with Tradition. So if CMTV and Lepanto Institute object, the AUSCP would simply say that they are following Vatican Council II ( irrational) just like CMTV.CMTV cannot object since they are also interpreting Vatican Council II politically like the AUSCP.

If the Lepanto Institute was interpreting Vatican Council II rationally, it could then say that the Council is traditional and does not support any innovation. - Lionel Andrades

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