Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Italian Government must ask the Dept. of Education, Italy and the Congregation for Education, Vatican to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and honestly


The Italian Government must ask the Department of Education, Italy and the Congregation for Education, Vatican to only interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so honestly. All the universities, seminaries, colleges and schools in Italy must only interpret Vatican Council II rationally, this must be obligatory.

All the pontifical universities and also the still-closed Terra Santa seminary of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in Casalotti, Boccea, Rome, must only interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so ethically.

They must interpret LG 8, 14, 16, UR3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II as referring to hypothetical and physically invisible cases in 1965-2023.

They must not project these theoretical cases of LG 8, 14, 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc as being practical exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). So Vatican Council II interpreted rationally, with LG 8 etc referring to only speculative cases does not contradict the dogma EENS defined by the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) and the Council of Florence (1442). Vatican Council II has a continuity with Tradition.The Council has a continuity with the Athanasius Creed, the Catechisms of Trent and Pope Pius X and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. There is no break with the popes and saints in the historical Catholic Church in Italy. The Church today, with Vatican Council II, rational, has returned to the old understanding of Church, of the Papal States. -Lionel Andrades

Lionel Andrades

Catholic layman in Rome,

 Writer on the discovery of the two

interpretations of the Second Vatican Council, one rational and the other irrational.

One is interpreted with a false premise and

the other without it. One is Magisterial and  and the other, the common one, is non-Magisterial. An irrational interpretation cannot be Magisterial.

One is ethical and the other is unethical.

It is the same for the Creeds and Catechisms.There cannot be two interpretations. This is a discovery.

Why should Catholics choose an irrational

 version which  is heretical, non-traditional,

and schismatic, when there is a rational

option which is traditional? Why must the

Italian government of Georgia Melloni be

dishonest? The popes, cardinals and bishops

choose the wrong interpretation. It is

irrational and so it is not Catholic.

 Blog: Eucharist and Mission (Lionel's blog)

: eucharistandmission


JUNE 29, 2023

The Meloni Government must correct the ideological errors being taught in the schools, public and private in Italy


The Meloni Government must correct the ideological errors being taught in the schools, public and private in Italy.

 Like the errors on evolution, big bang, the Galileo case and Teilhardian Chardin re-incarnation theory, students are being taught to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and dishonestly. They are taught factual and objective mistake for political reasons.

Students are taught to interpret invisible cases of LG 8, 14 and 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, as being visible people, known people saved outside the Catholic Church.

The Government must announce that Vatican Council II must be interpreted rationally by all this is the ethical thing to do for all.

Vatican Council II is not a rupture with Catholic Tradition, the historical Catholic Church of Italy. When Vatican Council II supports the dogma EENS, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors there must be a Concordat in line with the theology of the Catholic Church in 1929. Vatican Council II interpreted rationally, by the government offices and embassies of the foreign ministry is continuity with Catholic Tradition.

There is no scientific proof for evolution, the Big Bang is only a theory, there is no scientific basis for Chardin's theology and the Church knew at the time of Galileo that the earth circled the sun. It was known to Ptolemy and the astromers who were Catholic bishops and priests. It was the Catholic Church which gave the world its scientific foundation in astronomy, space science etc.Also the developents in other fields of science and culture came from the Catholic Church. 

Europe's roots are in the Catholic Church and not in a vague ecumenincal Christian Church.This is not taught to students.It is a historical fact.-Lionel Andrades


 JUNE 29, 2023

Domande e Risposte sul l'interpretazione di Lionel Andrades del Concilio Vaticano II / Questions and Answers about the Lionel Andrades intepretation of Vatican Council II


JUNE 28, 2023

The Italian Government, especially its ministries of Interior, Foreign Relations, Education and Judiciary must clarify that Vatican Council II is only to be interpreted rationally and traditionally.


The Italian Government, especially its ministries of Interior, Foreign Relations, Education and Judiciary must clarify that Vatican Council II is only to be interpreted rationally and traditionally. It has a continuity with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) of Pope Honorius III who approved the Order of Preachers of St. Dominic Guzman.

Vatican Council II must only be interpreted rationally and this would be ethical for the Meloni Government.

The Government must reject the Letter of the Holy Office(CDF) to the Archbishop of Boston (1949) relative to Fr. Leonard Feeney. It confused invisible cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance, as being physically visible exceptions for the dogma EENS according to the Fourth Lateran Council and the Council of Florence(1442).

Also the Concordat with the Vatican would be based only on Vatican Council II interpreted rationally and not irrationally. So the Council would be in harmony with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church and so would be in line with the 1929 Concordat.

LG 8, 14 and 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II refer to only hypothetical cases, always. This needs to be clarified by the Vatican and Italian Government embassies.

The Carabinieri and Italian Police must only interpret Vatican Council II rationally.

There is only one honest option for the Judiciary. Judges in the secular and ecclesiastical courts must only interpret Vatican Council rationally. Even Canonical Associations and University Departments of Jurisprudence, have only the rational choice. -Lionel Andrades


 JUNE 28, 2023

We are back to the past with Vatican Council II : the original problem was philosophical

 I was telling someone yesterday that the original problem in the Church was with philosophy and not theology. The philosophical problem spills over into theology.

If I say someone or something is invisible and you say it is visible we have two different conclusions. If something invisible is mistaken as being visible, then it is an error of observation, an empirical error, and an objective error. This is philosophy.

Then when invisible people are assumed to be visible a New Theology is created. It says outside the Church there is salvation.

It is no more extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside the Church there is no salvation).

So the theology is based on an error in reasoning. It is irrational.

The saints Thomas Aquinas, Augustine etc were rational.

The mistake in reasoning was there in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office (LOHO). It projected invisible cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance as being visible exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).So with this error the dogma EENS was made obsolete.

The error was repeated at Vatican Council II. It is as if the Council was called to implement the error in the 1949 LOHO. It projected invisible cases of the BOD and I.I as being visible exceptions for the dogma EENS.So with this error the dogma EENS was made obsolete.

Why were LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, and GS 22  mentioned in Vatican Council II? These are all hypothetical cases. They do not contradict the dogma EENS or the Athanasius Creed or the Syllabus of Errors?

Now if we see LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc as being only theoretical cases; they exist only in our mind, then the Council does not contradict the dogma EENS of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215).It did not mention any exceptions.

Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14 support EENS and the past exclusivist ecclesiology. LG 14 is cited in the Catechism of the Catholic Church under the title Outside the Church there is no salvation.

So the Church today has returned to the pre-Vatican Council II theology and philosophy, without the 1949 LOHO mistake. There is no more a pre and post mistake .There is no more a pre-Vatican Council II theology. There is no more ‘a revolution’, in the Church or ‘a new revelation’. We do not have ‘a new magisterium’, a term used by Cardinal Arthur Roche. We are back to the ecclesiology of the 16th century Roman Missal of the Latin Mass. This is the ecclesiology of the Novus Ordo Mass today.

The CDF (Holy Office) officially made an objective mistake in the 1949 LOHO. He can now re-interpret Vatican Council II rationally.

When the BOD and I.I are interpreted rationally there is no change in the Nicene Creed, ‘I believe in one baptism' (and not three or more known baptisms).

There is no change in the Athanasius Creed which says all need the Catholic faith for salvation. This Creed should no more be obsolete for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

There is no change in the Apostles Creed. The  'I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church..', still teaches that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation; there is no known salvation. - Lionel Andrades


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