Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Santa Maria delle Grazie al Trionfale - denying Vatican Council II ( rational) and the Catholic Faith

Yesterday evening I went for Holy Mass in Italian to a beautiful church in Rome, which is financed I thought to myself, by the political Left since the community is denying the Catholic Faith. It is approved by them. It is called Santa Maria delle Grazie al Trionfale.

1. They deny the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) which was defined by the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) and the Council of Florence (1442).

2. They re-interpret irrationally the baptism of desire (BOD), baptism of blood (BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance (I.I).The Councils did not mention any exceptions.

3. They interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally and so produce a break with the dogma EENS, the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors of Pius IX, the Catechisms of Pope Pius X and Trent etc.

4. They have changed the understanding of the Nicene Creed with BOD, BOB and I.I interpreted irrationally. Over the centuries they were only interpreted rationally.

5. They have changed the understanding of the Apostles Creed with BOD, BOB and I.I etc interpreted  irrationally. Over the centuries BOD, BOB and I.I were interpreted rationally. They are invisible cases on earth. This is common sense.

6. They have rejected the Athanasius Creed which says all need to be members of the Catholic Church and have Catholic Faith for salvation.

7. There can be two interpretations of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846, 1257) and they have chosen the irrational version.

8. They have rejected the Catechism of Pope Pius IX (24Q, 27Q) on other religions not being paths to salvation. They do this by interpreting BOD, BOB and I.I irrationally.

9. They re-interpret the Catechism of the Council of Trent on the baptism of desire. It is interpreted irrationally and not rationally.

10. They follow the new moral theology of the pontifical universities based upon Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally. So they would also justify Amoris Laetitia of Pope Francis.

11. They accept Pope Francis’ encyclical, letters etc all written with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally and not rationally.

12. The accept the encyclicals. letters etc of the popes from Paul VI to Francis all written with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally e.g Mysterium Fidei, Ecclesiam Suam, Redemptoris Missio, Dominus Iesus, Spe Salvi, Verbum Domini etc.

13. They have Holy Mass in Italian and use the new Missal based upon Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally.If they interpret Vatican Councl II rationally they would be in harmon with the exclusivist ecclesiology of the old Roman Missal  used at Mass in Latin.

14.They do not have the Latin Mass with the pre-1962  Missal since then the pope would be affirming the old ecclesiology and side stepping Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally.

15. The parish priest regularly calls for the intercession of St. Paul VI, among other saints,. This pope created new doctrines in faith and morals, changed rules on marriage,interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally...He also changed the interpretation of the Creeds by accepting the error in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office(CDF) to the Archbishop of Boston relative to Fr. Leonard Feeney.

By Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally I mean LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, are seen as visible people, non Catholics, saved outside the Catholic Church in 1965-2023.

By Vatican Councl II interpreted rationally I mean LG 8 etc are seen as hypothetical and invisible people, saved outside the Catholic Church in 1965-2023. 

I accept Vatican Council II and I interpret it rationally. The Council, ethically, can only be interpreted rationally. -Lionel Andrades

JUNE 7, 2023

Santa Maria delle Grazie al Trionfale - denying Vatican Council II ( rational) and the Catholic Faith

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