Monday, July 10, 2023

Bradley Eli on CMTV tells Jules Gomes that Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez will have to answer to God on the Day of Judgment for his liberalism. But Fernandez does not think he is doing anything wrong. He is following Vatican Council II. Even Bradley Eli and Jules Gomes accept Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally and not rationally.

Bradley Eli on CMTV tells Jules Gomes that Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez will have to answer to God on the Day of Judgment for his liberalism. But Fernandez does not think he is doing anything wrong. He is following Vatican Council II. Even Bradley Eli and Jules Gomes accept Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally and not rationally.

Pope Francis and Archbishop Fernandez are frank. They are following Vatican Council II, which is a break with Tradition for them. There is a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The Council has exceptions for EENS. So EENS and the Athanasius Creed are obsolete. This is a revolution in the Church for them. Now even they can break the Church teachings on faith and morals, Amoris Laetia, Traditionis Custode etc. They are only following Vatican Council II as interpreted by even the traditionalists. This is also the interpretation of Church Militant TV and the Leftists. It is political.

The CMTV, even after being informed many times, does not state that there is a rational and irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.

They do not say that they affirm Vatican Council II rational, and so also Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the rest of Tradition.

They want a break with Tradition for political reasons, just like Pope Francis. They call this irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II ‘magisterial’, this is even though the pre-1949 Magisterium interpreted the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance rationally and traditionally. - Lionel Andrades

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