Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Congar, Ratzinger and Kung are now obsolete. We have a new discovery on Vatican Council II. Lefebvre, Hildebrand, Davies, Mattei, Vennari and Gruner are also obsolete. So is Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. Since we can re-interpret Vatican Council II in a manner unknown to them.


 Congar, Ratzinger and Kung are now obsolete. We have a new discovery on Vatican Council II. Lefebvre, Hildebrand, Davies, Mattei, Vennari and Gruner are also obsolete. So is Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. Since we can re-interpret Vatican Council II in a manner unknown to them.

Bishop Richardson and his community did not know this when they broke away from the SSPX. Bishop Bernard Fellay also did not know this when he was made a bishop by Archbishop Lefebvre. So they did not correct this same mistake in Pope Paul VI.

Cardinals Marx, Grech and Hollerich did not know this as they justify the Synods with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally. Pope Francis can no more cite Vatican Council II to justify Traditionis Custode, Amoris Laetitia and the Abu Dhabi Declaration.

Since, invisible cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are not a break with Tradition. It is no more a rupture with Tradition for those who understand. We have a rational and traditional choice. We can re-interpret Vatican Council II rationally and  traditionally.- Lionel Andrades

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