Monday, July 10, 2023

Hannah Brockhaus at CNA wrote a powder puff piece, glossing Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez, without mentioning that he interprets Vatican Council II irrationally, reject the Athanasius Creed, re-interprets the Nicene Creed, puts aside the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with a fake premise and in general, rejects Tradition with this duplicity and dishonesty. Instead of reporting on the Catholic faith Hannah is doing politics.The report is conspicuous for what she has not said.

 Hannah Brockhaus at CNA wrote a powder puff piece, glossing Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez, without mentioning that he interprets Vatican Council II irrationally, rejects the Athanasius Creed, re-interprets the Nicene Creed irrationally, puts aside the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with a fake premise and in general, rejects Tradition with this duplicity and dishonesty. Instead of reporting on the Catholic faith Hannah is doing politics.The report is conspicuous for what she has not said.


Sometime back Diana Montagna (not with CNA) asked Cardinal Grech and Hollerich if the Synods do not contradict traditional morality. She did not mention Vatican Council II, which the cardinals cite to justify the new morals. Sister Nathalie Bequart, a consultant at the Synod, has cited Vatican Council II as the magisterial source for the Synods.

Obviously the Synod is a break with traditional morality but the issue is Vatican Council II. If the Council is interpreted rationally then there cannot be a rupture with Tradition, in the name of Vatican Council II.Sister Bequart can then no more cite Vatican Council II. It is the same for Cardinals Hollerich and Grech.

Obviously the Synod is a break with Tradition. The liberals and traditionalists would agree with her. But the reason for the break with Tradition, which none of them mention, is that the Council has been interpreted irrationally and not rationally. The result is heresy and schism. It is official. With this irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II even Pope Francis and Archbishop Victor Fernandez cannot be magisterial.

They may be magisterial on other subjects but not on Vatican Council II, irrational.

-Lionel Andrades

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