Monday, July 24, 2023

LifeSite News is not organizing a conference before the Synod in October to affirm Vatican Council II rational and ask the cardinals, bishops, priests and religious sisters to do the same. Instead LifeSite is holding a conference in Rome in October at the end of the Synod. This will propagate the Synod innovation, on faith and morals, based upon Vatican Council II irrational.It will avoid the real issue- Vatican Council II rational or irrational.


LifeSite News is not organizing a conference before the Synod in October to affirm Vatican Council II rational and ask the cardinals, bishops, priests and religious sisters to do the same. Instead LifeSite is holding a conference in Rome in October at the end of the Synod. This will propagate the Synod innovation, on faith and morals, based upon Vatican Council II irrational.It will avoid the real issue- Vatican Council II rational or irrational.

So even if Life Site News issues a petition after the Synod what difference does it make? None. Since Life Site News does not want to affirm Vatican Council II rational and neither do the cardinals, bishops, priests and religious sisters at the Synod.

For the organizers of the Synod there is ‘ a spirit of Vatican Council II’, ‘ a new revelation’, ‘ a revolution’, which comes when Vatican Council II, or any Church Document, is interpreted by confusing what is physically invisible  ( LG 16 etc) as being physically visible exceptions for the ecclesiology of the old Roman Missal, the dogma EENS, and all the Catechisms, Creeds and Church Councils. This is also how Fr. Altman and the Coalition for Cancelled priests interpret Vatican Council II, wrongly.

So what is the point in LifeSite News criticism of the Synod when John Henry Weston himself will not affirm the Faith in public on the salvation dogma etc? LifeSite News is in the same boat as cardinals Hollerich and Grech. Of course, JHW will not affirm the break in moral teachings as these two cardinals but he will interpret Vatican Council II irrationally, like these two cardinals, who use the Council to justify their liberalism.

Cardinals Grech and Hollerich could say that they follow the political Left, with heresy and schism, to avoid being ruined financially. It is the same for Steve Jalsevic and John Henry Weston at LifeSite News. All their correspondents are following the same politically correct policy of the Synod organizers. Even Mother Miriam interprets the Council irrationally and politically.

-Lionel Andrades

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