Sunday, July 23, 2023

So those who affirm Vatican Council II, rational and traditional, are being called to be martyrs. They could also be killed for their Catholic Faith, which would be rational and traditionl. There would not be a rupture between faith and reason.Now there is a rupture with the fake premise. So the conclusion is not apostolic or Magisterial.

Cardinal Bergoglio kissing the hand of Pope John Paul II whom he and the Masons have dismantled.

Pope Benedict knew that the issue was not the Latin Mass. It was Vatican Council II irrational or rational.

He would give the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) the freedom to offer the Latin Mass as long as they accepted Vatican Council II irrational which was a break with Tradition ( EENS, the Athanasius Creed, Syllabus of Errors etc).

Even for Pope Francis the issue is not really the Latin Mass. He still is allowing it in controlled cases where the FSSP, IKSP etc and other communities, accept Vatican Council II, irrational, only.

The SSPX no more criticizes Vatican Council II in public. So they condone Vatican Council II, irrational.

They no more say Jews and Muslims are outside the Church and so on the way to Hell. So they do not proclaim Vatican Council II, rational, in public.

Pope Francis has said that everyone must accept Vatican Council II, irrational. This is Magisterial. He means Tradition has to be rejected with the irrational option. He is not allowing the National Catechetical Center in Italy to interpret Vatican Council II rationally. The break with Tradition is obligatory.

It is expected that in the 2025 Jubilee Year the Church and the Italian Leftist state will combine to punish those Catholics who do not interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and so reject Catholic Tradition. Pope Francis and Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez will be safe, since they will affirm only Vatican Council II, irrational.

The situation has similarities with the case of Peter and Michael Dimond at the Most Holy Family Monastery, NY. They both affirm the strict interpretation of EENS but they negate it with Vatican Council II irrational. So they are tolerated today by the Left. They have a tax exempt status as a charitable organization.With Vatican Council II irrational they are negating Tradition, even though they may go only for the Latin Mass and believe they are traditionalists.

Today the lex orandi has been changed since the popes from Pius XII have been interpreting the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance  irrationally, from the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston.So they have rejected the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), with no exceptions.The popes from Paul VI have interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally ( there are visible cases of LG 8,14, 15, 16, UR 3, NA 2 GS 22 etc for them ) and so they have rejected Tradition (EENS, Athanasius Creed etc).

So conversely, if a cardinal or bishop interprets Vatican Council II ( LG 8,14, 15, 16 etc) rationally, the diocese returns to the old lex orandi. At every Mass it is a return to the past  exclusivist ecclesiology. It happens immediately.It is automatic. Since the error of Pius XII and Paul VI is avoided.

This is known to Pope Francis and to some of the cardinals and bishops but for political reasons they are silent.

This is known to Bishop Robert Barron but he does not want to affirm Vatican Council II rational in public. Also, those who do affirm the Council interpreted rationally will be punished. So Bishop Barron unethically continues to have discussions which are shown on Youtube, while interpreting Vatican Council II, irrationally as a break with Tradition.

If he interprets the Council rationally he will be accused of being Anti Semitic  and so expelled from the Chuch by the Jewish Left, the Vatican and the USCCB. Bishop Bernard Fellay has been in the same situation.

So those who affirm Vatican Council II, rational and traditional, are being called to be martyrs. They could also be killed for their Catholic Faith. Their Catholic Faith would be rational.There would not be a rupture between faith and reason.Now there is a rupture.It is produced by the common fake premise.

With Vatican Council II rational, doctrinally the Catholic Church would once again be in harmony with the Church Fathers, Church Councils and the first 100 popes, who were martyred. It would be apostolic and magisterial.

Today religous in Rome who take vows of obedience are really being obedient to heresy and schism  with the past Magisterium. This is a mortal sin when the Creeds etc are changed.

Vocations have to accept the New Missal and the new moral theology which are obsolete with Vatican Council II irrational.But Catholic religious and Catholics in general, have to follow the obsolete new  ecumenism, new ecclesiology, new evangelisation etc to remain with a religious community.They actually take vows to be obedient to all this public heresy.

Also all new vocations have to be obedient to these errors in theology, which come from Vatican Council II interpreted with the fake premise ( invisible people are visible , LG 16 refers to a visible case in 2023), fake inference ( invisible people are visible, LG 16 refers to a visible case exception for the dogma EENS) and  fake conclusion ( Vatican Council II irrational is a break with Tradition ( EENS etc).The break with caused by the exceptions.

All this new ecumenism, new ecclesiology etc is the false Church, it is the Vatican Council II irrational Church. It is not part of the Deposit of the Faith. It not Magisterial and neither apostolic.

-Lionel Andrades

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