Friday, July 14, 2023

So if Vatican Council II, irrational is a revolution in the Church, then Sacred Scripture and Tradition is not a source of concern for the liberals. Since they get their permission from Vatican Council II, irrational


They are nuking Scripture and Tradition since they get the go ahead from Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally. If CMTV can accept Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally then why can they not accept the blessings on homosexual couples? This is the reasoning of the Masons, liberals, the political Left and the popes after Vatican Council II.

When will Bradley Eli and Jules Gomes discuss this ?

If Vatican Council II can be interpreted irrationally and not rationally and this is acceptable for CMTV which does the same, then why cannot (the liberals ask) the Catechism of the Catholic Church be changed?

CMTV does not want to interpret Vatican Council II rationally since they need to accept the Council interpreted rrationally for political reasons-for survival.

So if Vatican Council II, irrational is a revolution in the Church, then Sacred Scripture and Tradition is not a source of concern for the liberals. Since they get their permission from Vatican Council II, irrational.

So CMTV is not interpreting Vatican Council II rationally and are not asking the cardinals and popes to do the same.They are being prudent in a worldly sense.

-Lionel Andrades

rome dispatch
Remaining Time 2:38



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