Wednesday, July 12, 2023



JULY 8, 2023

The Eucharist must be received at Holy Mass only on the tongue and kneeling Our Lady told the seer Gisella Cardia at Trevignon, Italy.

The Eucharist  must be received at Holy Mass only on the tongue and kneeling Our Lady told the seer Gisella Cardia at Trevignon, Italy.Gisella invites people to come there and pray on the third of every month when at 3p.m  Our Lady appears to her. She has the stigmata throughout Lent.A statue weeping blood in her home has been filmed by an Italian television case. They have also filmed the sun pulsating during the apparitions.

With prayer we can protect ourselves during coming pandemics and earthquakes she says.We have entered the time of the tribulation. With the rosary we protect ourself oneself from evil.

That Our Lady says to receive the Eucharist on the tongue and kneeling is interesting, since with the false interpretation of Vatican Council II (with the use of a fake premise, inference and conclusion), altar rails were removed in churches.Communion was permitted on the palms of the hand showing disrespect for Jesus. Also the host is easily taken home by Satanists where they make Jesus suffer. We know Jesus feels in the Eucharist, he feels like a human being.

Vatican Council II interpreted rationally supports the past liturgy and exclusivist ecclesiology only. With the past ecclesiocentrism not contradicted by Vatican Council II, the Church returns to the old theology of the Roman Missal at Mass in Latin and in Greek. Upon the past strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus is based the old liturgy. So the lex orandi of the Church can only be Feeneyite. Since Vatican Council II   can only be interpreted rationallyWe have an obligation to interpret the Council only rationally and so take the Church back to the times of the altar rails.

Ironically, Gisella is under investigation by a Commission of the Italian Bishops Conference ( CEI-Conferenza Episcopale Italiana) which interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and so unethically. This cannot be Magisterial. Yet the Commission which does not interpret Vatican Council II honestly is to judge if her apparitions are authentic.

How can the CEI interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally and consider this the work of the Holy Spirit? How can they judge if Gisella’s apparitions are from God, when Pope Francis interprets  Magisteral Documents (Creeds, Councils etc) unethically ? His  interpretation of the Creeds, Councils, Catechisms, EENS etc  is not apostolic or magisterial. In the past over the centuries they chose a rational premise ( invisible people are invisible)  to interpret Church Documents.

How can the CEI Commission judge the apparitions of Gisella, which are not approved by the political Left? For political reasons the CEI has not said that polygamy and same sex unions of the Synods, are not inspired by the Holy Spirit.The CEI for political- left reasons has not stated that the Synods are promoting mortal sins of morals, which take a person to the fires of Hell. 

The CEI has not stated that the traditional moral theology is not contradicted by Vatican Council II interpreted rationally. 

The CEI has not stated that Vatican Council II can no more be used to support the Synods innovation.

Congar, Ratzinger, Rahner, Kung and Lefebvre interpreted the Council irrationally but the CEI does not mention this, for political reasons.

When the Council is interpreted rationally then the Church returns to the lex orandi of the centuries.The CEI does not inform Pope Francis about this.

The CEI and the local bishop have already told Catholics not to go to Trevignon.For the bishops the apparitions, are not religiously, but politically, incorrect.

The CEI and Pope Francis must correct their philosophical and theological position on Vatican Council II. An unethical interpretation of the Council in public, is not work of the Holy Spirit. It is not apostolic or magisterial. The Council can be interpreted rationally and then it will be apostolic and magisterial and ethical. But then it would mean taking the Catholic Church back to the old lex orandi, of the old Roman Missal, when they had altar rails-Lionel Andrades

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